I hate...
I hate... Having to ride in my brother's car. His car has no heat, so we ride in about 15 degrees Fahrenheit all the way to school. He also drives like a maniac, and jerks the wheel around a lot to stay in the middle of the lane. He can't keep any kind of constant pressure on the gas pedal, he has to continually hit it, or release it, causing us to jerk forward and backwards. And then he gets mad at me when he makes some opinionated generalization, and I have a differing opinion that I voice. He claims that I have to 'argue' with him all the time. In fact, if he said something other than e.g. 'oh that person should have pulled out' then I wouldn't have anything contrary to say. Not only that, but he's so timid when driving. This is not to be confused with defensive driving, which is good. Timid driving is when you can't decide if you should really go or not, so you end up jerking forward and braking hard to avoid a collision, because you think that the other person isn't going to let you go, or is going to let you go, or something of the sort. Not only that, but he never thinks he has to tell me anything, even though we are riding together. Like when he wanted to stay late this morning instead of leaving at the usual time, not only did he not think he should tell me this, but he didn't even know what the regular time was, even though we leave at that time very day. Back to the no heat issue, he has to scrape the frost off with a card. You know, like a school ID. So he usually waits until it's time to go, and then informs me he's going to go scrape the frost, which takes around five minutes. Because he can't be prepared and do this any earlier. Whatever. I want my car back.