passion is something that everone has the potentiality to have. it is an amazing thing to obtain it live and thrives in everyone who is willing to find it. the world is full of things to feel passionate about whether it be a job a person or even an event that has major value to you in what you believe in. my passion is drawing i feel a self sense of accomplishment and it feel as if i spent my time to its fullest worth. my other passion is the pursuit of a significant other. so far it has been a wide and bump road to travel down but every bend and twist that i endure leads me closer to that special someone. i have felt many things icluding a undevolped sense of worth i felt this extreame feelin of dispair for a long amount of time but still yet the feeling that i am inching closer and closer to that person keeps me going that is my passion and this is what i was ment to do. find your passion and persue it till your death and never give up no matter the obstical.
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