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View User's Journal

Journal of random things
random things that I write, sometimes its things that I've typed, other times it's just things I need to get off my chest.
The shadow of this darkest night
begins to creep over the evening light
dark tendrils begin to engulf this day
casting it into night
the full moon sits high in the sky
casting its pale light down on this earth
but even that light begins to fade as the shadow appears on the moon
filling your dreams to the brim with fright
this darkness has a shape
it is the monster that hides in your closet
and the beings that lurk in the night
it is your shattered hopes and dreams
and all of your fears and doubts
it is the tears that stream down your face as despair grips you
this darkness is a creature born of hatred and malice
and fed by fright and self loathing
it destroys without reason or descrimination
it cannot be stopped because it will return
that is simply human nature

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Oct 18, 2008 @ 12:39am
...wow. You're good at prose, fiction AND poetry! This is amazing! I like how it rhymes every ocne in a while, wether you meant to do that or not, it gives it a good beat and ringing effect. It's really good.

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