OK just like yesterday this day started out pretty bad. For the first time ever I rode my bus to school in the morning. Which means I had to walk half a mile to my bus stop, and I was waiting for my friend Shay, and it turns out I picked the one day she chose not to ride the ******** bus! So I get on and everything is silent...to silent. Then I get to school and as soon as I get off the bus I run into Shay, and then I ran into Chelsea. SO later I go into the school and go to my classes like all depressed, and then came math. Lucky for me I have math with Noah, and we had a sub again. So we pretty much sat there and did nothing for like 50 minutes until the bell rang. Then I went to see Jordan and asked him if he was going to Shays house later cause we were suppose to show Shay's parents out report cards. So he says yeah, and then we meet up with Shay, and Chelsea, and Chelsea rode my bus again because shes spending the night at Shay's. So we go get on the bus and we talk for awhile and at first we had planned to just go to the park after school with us five again, but then we decided to actually go to the Game. But I was kinda in a bad mood cause some fat a** threw something at my head, and it hurts like hell now. So I get off the bus with Shay, and Chelsea and we walk to Shay's house. And I was carrying all of there bags, and Shays was like full of books so it hurt my neck really badly. When we got there I just fell on the ground.
Then Chelsea threw her sweater and said I could use it as a blanket, so I did. Then She said I looked like a hobo, and then I started saying my name was Sanchez the neighborhood Hobo. Then Noah came up the street with his bike, and then I ran home really quickly to get dressed, and right when I was putting my shoes back on I here this noise, but it wasn't really loud so I ignored it, and walked into the living room and there was a dark figure out side of the door and it scared then s**t out of me, but then I realized it was just Jordan. So we all went back to Shay's house, and went to the park and played truth or dare, and it was pretty funny but we didn't do any guyxguy stuff or girlxgirl stuff cause we said we couldn't do that before we started. Then we went to Shay's house until her parents got there. When they finally did get thereI realized I forgot my report card. Then I ran back home, and Noah called me and I told them I was on my way back, and as I'm riding his bike back to there house I noticed that they were driving down the road to come pick me up. So we left Noah's bike, and Chelsea's bag at Shay's house and Shay's mom brought everyone to their houses so they could get money, and their IDs(Our school district gives all the students IDs). Oh and Chelsea also changed out of her school cloths and into normal cloths. So then we were dropped off at the football field and we bought tickets and went into the bleachers and wait for people to come for about 30 minutes. Then finally Tabitha, and a few people from our bus arrived. So we talked with them, and then my Friend Rachel arrived with my friend Ariana, who I hadn't seen since 7th grade because they made he go to CMS instead of our school this year, but shes trying to switch back.
Then after awhile Jordan kept saying he felt sick, and went to the bathroom like 3 times cause he thought he was gonna throw up. And me and my friends were making jokes saying he was bulimic because hes like incredibly skinny. So after awhile he felt better but he was complaining because everything was so loud, and I was getting annoyed because my friends were walking around the stands, and then like walking back up into the bleachers and I was getting confused on where they all were. So I just stayed on the ground with Noah, Jordan, and Shay. Chelsea was up in the bleachers because she was all depressed for some reason and didn't want to come down. Which I didn't blame her for it because getting down was like the most difficult thing in the world. I walked around for about 5 minutes and I was getting yelled at by black girls and they were all saying stuff like "Move b***h!" or Get the ******** out of my way!" and "b***h you know people are trying to watch!" but I ignored them. So we sat down there for a bit and our friends Came back and forth for a while and we all became bored and got Chelsea and went back to Shays house for a few minutes, and then we went to the park for about 2 hours.
And on our way there Noah was talking about how Shay, and Chelsea were like gonna get rapped our something at the park, and like suddenly out of no where this guy just walks past us, and then Jesus went and hid in this dark hole, and after a few minutes we looked behind us and we couldn't find the guy. Then we got to the park and Noah, and Shay were talking and now there going out. And Jordan, Chelsea, and me were talking on the marigoround thing. So then Shay's cousin Erin go there and for some reason we played hide and seek, and talked about those stickers for the grocery store named Kroger's. and the stickers said "Have you Kroggered today? and we were talking about how that sounds like a replacement word for sex. And Shay's cousin asked us if someone wanted to go Kroger on the soccer fields, and I said I do,XD
Then Jordan, Chelsea and me were hanging out on the bench after Hide and seek.
And Chelsea started feeling my hair, and we were talking about the softness of our hair. And me and Jordan said ours isn't because we've been rolling around places and jumping off stuff. So Chelsea asked Jordan if she could feel his hair, so he lets her and I was like "Oh I wanna feel it." but he wouldn't let me because last time he got that close to me I tried to hug him, and hes like an extreme homophob. So eventually he starts poking me and tries to see if I'd freak out. Then he accidentally grabbed my hair, so I forced him to let me feel his. So when I did I was a like whee and I ran off to the swings with Shay, and he cousin. And then Jordan tried climbing the swings and started hanging upside down and we were saying hes stripping. Then we talked some more and laughed and stuff and then my mom called and made me got home, it was about 10:00. So I came home and starting writing this.
Tomorrow's Plan
I have to wake up at 9:00 to mowe the back yard, so I can go hangout with everyone again at 12:00
I also have to pick up my dad from the Airport and clean up this stupid house,but I'm hopping tomorrow will be OK, and its kinda cool cause I have a 4 day weekend so I'm gonna try and hang out with them all like everyday.
Recent stuff
After Shay, and the rest of them went home Shay's mom was suppose to drive Jordan home, but forgot so Noah's calling me asking me where J.B. is because his mom was calling Noah and asking him where J.B. was because apparently he wasn't home. So I call Shay's house and it turns out after me and Noah were freaking out, it turned out that J.B. was just at Shay's house. So like right now J.B. is being driven to his house by Shay's step dad, and its 11:20.
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