Fox Tail: Ok stop right there I think he/she gets the point.
NinjaZane: What I can't thank someone for being nice?
Fox Tail: You can but once or twice is ok, not three or five times, .......or ten. stare
NinjaZane: sad Maybe in your oppinion, you fluffed tailed fur ball.
Fox Tail: eek What did you just call me..... stare
NinjaZane: You heard me.
Fox Tail: stressed .........*deep breath* Ok.....i'm going to let you be annoying and go on ANOTHER vacation, Buh-bye!*Walks away*
NinjaZane:..... sweatdrop ummm ok, blaugh well Thanks again unknown person your the greatest!!!! heart heart heart

(Thanks jessie ;P, I bet everyone eles was in on it too)