I mean, the guy's got extreme power - not to mention a large bundle of it so it takes a long time or alot for him to grow tired from lack of energy - and he doesn't feel pain. That's just telling someone to yell "OMG GODMODER D8<" when I roleplay against them DX
I don't do any of the things he could really do, such as snapping my fingers and making your face melt off or making your head - or entire body - burst into flames. I just do the more simple stuff; fling fireballs, freeze the ground beneath you or you yourself, fling ice shards at you, cause tree roots to wrap out out of the ground and attack you/bind you, blah blah blah you get it. And I don't dodge alot. I usually let myself get hit when I'm RPing as him XD It is possible to put me in a state of not being capable of fighting, but do it without godmoding, because I'll stop RPing with someone who is godmoding. And don't try to throw back at me "well YOU'RE doing it!" or "well there's no other way to kill you!" There's a way to stop me without godmoding. I'm not going to say it, but just think about it.
Hell, if you've seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail, act like you're King Author and I'm the Black Knight. There's a big hint for ya XD

(that is a fake movie thing with Richard stuck in it...if you couldn't tell XD)
An undead Warlock who willfully sows destruction without any provocation whatsoever, Richard is Cale's character foil and serves as the strip's comic relief. He is depicted as manipulative, powerful, and exceedingly evil, although he is also childishly playful. Richard is very sensitive about his less-than-threatening name and reacts aggressively to Cale's nickname for him - "d**k". His companions often react mildly to his frequently psychopathic activities. His titles include Chief Warlock of the Brothers of Darkness, Lord of the Thirteen Hells, Master of the Bones, Emperor of the Black, Lord of the Undead, and mayor of a little village up the coast which he describes as "quite scenic in spring". He whimsically decided to add "Lord of the Dance" to his list of titles later on.
Due to the fact that he is undead, Richard can sustain normally serious injuries without dying or even experiencing pain; he believed that a torture chamber the group was sent to was a spa (although he may have only been joking).
Richard claims to be traveling with Cale out of sheer boredom and for opportunities to kill things. He used to have a companion - an imp named Hctib Elttil (whose name, Richard claims, accurately describes its place in their relationship, which is "Little b***h" backwards) - but it ran away. In addition to his prodigious magical power, Richard was shown to be skilled enough in hand-to-hand combat to easily take out several trolls within seconds, claiming that he 'drained the soul of a monk once', and that it 'tasted like chocolate'. Also, according to the references he makes as well as what occurs when he is left in a room with them, he eats babies.
Richard seems to have as much (if not more) control over Cale's companion pet, the panther Sooba, as Cale himself does, even going so far as being able to summon the cat to his side in battle. Richard also has his own pet, an as-yet-unnamed (and unincinerated) rabbit who he seems to care for, and who in turn cares for him, such as when Richard was banished to the 'Plane of Suck'. Though it would seem that Richard's only goal in life is to sow death and destruction wherever he goes (after all the other characters have explained their various motives behind their quest of finding the lost Sword of Truth, he simply states "I. LIKE. TO. KILL. THINGS. (How is that not clear by now?" wink , it is implied there may be some additional motivation within him.
Richard measures his existence in at least the hundreds of years. During much of this time, he had forgotten portions of his life before he became undead, but some of the memories are returning.

Anime Boston 2008! biggrin

Yep. That's just me. Chillin'.
I was looking for a specific Pyramid Head that I told on Gaia that I would hug....never found them though D:
So I hugged a different Pyramid Head instead XD It was hard...his pyramid got in the way XD

There was a rave there one of the nights, and a few friends went into the rave while a few of us stayed out. The music was so loud in there that you couldn't hear anyone, and the music was also loud outside because the doors were wide open. So we just danced out there XD
A friend of mine and I were skanking in this picture. It's hard to skank in skirts D8

...I don't remember what I was doing here XD; We were all laughing hysterically though - hence why my friend is lying on the floor XDD

I got tired after awhile so I laid on the floor while my friend kept skanking XD

Then I noticed my other friend was still lying on the floor (still kinda laughing too XD; ) so I scooted over and joined him |3

He got up after awhile and just stood there, so I took off my skirt and started running around him for no reason.
It was highly amusing |D

And then my friend joined in with his snazzy overcoat 8D
We claimed he had a gravitational pull and was causing us to orbit.
He just stood there and grinned, laughing in a horribly confused but amused manner XDD

".....cute things........"
*sets animals on fire* "♥"

"They'll never be able to locate me with this masterful disguise!"
Fun times at Connecticon 2007!! biggrin

My friend and I came across this one booth that was playing Caramelldansen, and there were a bunch of people doing it, so we joined XD The guy who owned the booth gave us caramel because apparently we were doing it well XDD

We were oustide the rave/dance/thing and just hanging out when my friend took a picture of me like this and posted it on facebook. Then someone made a comment that made this picture beautiful.
"It looks like Richard is like: 'Really? I can has baby?'"
XD Oh the happiness~

Dancing at the rave! That was pretty awesome XD
Community Member
;w; Yus, Richard can has babeh for numnums~