Are We Not Angelic:
This be September 23rd~ I won this girlsie from an RP contest o3o Ain't she adorable?

Aekea Humane Society:
These two are another pair I've won from an RP contest they had. I put a lot of thought into that entry, and I've always wanted a relationship like this, so I'm really excited to see Ayelet and Mazin~ &-- back from GHS

This is a growing from a while back &3 Etienne was won in an RP contest hosted by the lovely Hur. He was my first GHS and I adore him to pieces! He's quite a fan of the stars, actually. Little dreamer. &--- back from GHS

SO ASBESTOS. Do you know what you were named after? You were named after this. I was studying geography at the time of the flatsale, so I'm sorry xD;; He's based on Saberleomon from Digimon c: &3 My first pet from this wonderful event.

Rusty, Rusty! Who's rusty? c: BIG THANKS TO KOTA for helping me name the little guy &3 Got him from the advertising contest over at the Digimon event (mentioned above). He's lovely, ain't he? -loves his tail- 8'D

KOTA-DEAR. Do you know that I love you? Do you know that I adore you? You're always so sweet to me ;_____; &3 This is a digitama gram of sorts from Kotata~ It's my favorite breed, and she just guessed D8 &3

IT IS KIN BE HOARD NAO?!?!?111111!!1 I've never had an urge to hoard pets from any shop until this little phase with AHS xD;; I wonder what happened. Well, we'll see where they all go c: I know I'll never run out of dogs n' cats to RP, that's for sure! This is Parnell, he's from a quoting game (POOPAH SCOOPAH). Big thanks to Nata for letting me pick first o3o~

Mmm, so what are you, pretty manx kitty? "I'M NOOTERED." Anyway, this is Ingrid c: She's domesticated, like Etienne, and Franz Engle takes care of her~ She was found with two manx boy kitties on the street, and when I won the RP contest I gave those two away to Kotata and Lily-foo <3 She's named after Ingrid Bergman from Casablanca o3o <-- Franz's idea 8D;;

Pales Vibrio
This lovely boy I won in the lotus raffle~ I had my eye on him from the start. His name comes from the god of healing, thanks to Kotatsu-chan for helping me with that o3o He's quite the character!

And this be Dakarai, the proud and knightly father of three young kidlets. I won him in an RP contest and I can't wait to get things going! 8D &3

Helaynee Valley
This was a while ago, but I just realized this girlsie had been certed owo;; Thank you SO much, Angel~ She's been relocated and now snug in this journal &3 Welcome, Anna!

First flatsale I actually won by myself in Helaynee &333 It's been such a wonderful journey, but now I'm so glad to welcome Galatea to the family!

Okay, adding a comment now. After the asterites were added, I saw the last stage and was totally stunned at how beautifully lovely they were. They looked like Cocker Spaniels! And everyone knows the soft spot I have for spaniels ;___; So Lileh-foo proxied for me in that flat and got me this lovely girlsie. BONZAI.

I've had my eye on this new B/C for a long time, now o3o Looks like the fruit of my stalkings have finally grown, eh, eh, eh? Everyone (or just me), please welcome Iacchus to the family! 8D Won him by flatsale.

Idea suggesting game- who would have guessed? I had this maleh on my WANT WANT list from day one. Isn't he just lovely? Want RP? Come over to Riddle~

Star Chasers
CYO~ I based my Red Shift on those cyborg sort of things, and then there's just one, red, pulsing heartbeat in the middle? Does that make sense? xD Anyway, my lame coloring skills didn't really bring him to life that well, but I love him anyway owo His name comes from a visual novel I read.

Free Collars Kingdom
LLUVEN. He has quite the concept planned out for him, its going to be great ;___; &3 And no, those aren't real cigarettes xD Shush. I got him from making the FCK thread banners :3

TWISTY ILU. 'Nuff said. The first one from the mini halloween shop o___o;; -so stunned- She commissioned these and are giving them away in an event~ GO THERE.

Watership Down
Twisty. Again. Gifted from a flatsale that I couldn't attend. Thank you, Ravi-dear for proxying, even though it dragged on that long and you didn't win 8D &3 I LOVE YOU BOTH.

SO KOTATA. Why do you always insist on spoiling me so? D8 I was entered into an April Fools raffle for ridiculous bunnies and came out with a semi-custom- all without my notification. ...GIRL YOU REDIKULOUS. Thank you so much! ;______; &3

Nocturnal Bloom
Halloween gram from Kota-chan ;___; Thank you so much, dearie! 8D Ain't the little bat adorable? By the way, do your best to come on over to Nocturnal Bloom. Once the shop officially opens, amazing things will happen : )

Halloween gram I sent myself xD -shot and kill'd- I've always loved this shop, so here we go owo Ain't this whitish thing lovely? Yuppers! (Answering my own question.)

Pithy Twigs Tea Society
You don't know how long I have been longing for a Pithy Twigs tea spirit. Literally, yearning in the corner of the thread, occasionally sobbing a beautiful art by the lovely, talented artists... -rambles on- Anyhow, I won this beautiful one from tea leaf guessing game, in which you were supposed to guess how many tea leaves were in the tin. I was... two off. SOMEONE LOVED ME THAT DAY.

A little mini from the winter event. IT'S SO ADORABLE D8 I gave Sakuranbo away to Plateh, and if I get anymore, I'll probably keep them ^_^ &3 It was a really, really fun event, I'm just upset that I didn't start until late so I couldn't enter the raffle.

I got a second Sakuranbo, and I kept it ;D There are many roaming about the forest, ahahaha &3 Welcome, Akai!

Welcome, Chie, Meme, and Jizeru &3 In the end, I was only missing flower petals xD;; The last few days, I was playing the interactive story religiously, and here are my medals to prove it!

Awww, Sannie-chan~ &3 Thank you so much for this adorable Halloween kitty owo It's always great to wake up in the first days of November to see a great surprise like this awaiting in my inbox! I LOVE YEW &3

Star Chasers
FLUO-BABY. You are the eggplant of my droughted field. You are the apple of my eye. You are the maple syrup on my waffles. When I saw these SC Halloween grams, I thought they were so adorable, but I never thought I'd get one from somebody ;___; I love yew, dearie. Thank you!

Maybe when I am blubbering in tears less. EDIT: NOT BLUBBERING AS MUCH ANYMORE. So so Ravi-chan led me to the flatsale thread and I had always wanted a Jamaican boy, so this is what happened ;___; &3 OH, Vashan~ I love him with the depths of my heart. He's got quite the history.

Just a late certing. I got my dear Hiberne in one of their first flatsales, he's the winter out of the four seasons :3 I'm sure the four seasons will be friends; they've all met each other already, so I can't wait to RP them all~ 8D

Otso Kuu
Hey hey, what's better than a birthday? Birthday Bash Twins, s'what! The femme belongs to Maiyze, otherwise known as my best friend &3 These were from a while ago, but now that Otso Kuu is revived... they're here 8D

Kriim Valley
I've actually always admired these adorable pets 8D So I was really happy to win the flatsale. Truth be told, this is the only pet I'm expecting to get myself this holiday season, so I can afford all the SSes and all that ;D But isn't he adorable?!?

Cabbage Patch
Thank you, Kota-chan~ 8D We've decided to try our best to get CP kids together, so we're both trying really hard to get into this holiday raffle. Thank you for the birthday support as well, dearie ;____; &3

HELLO MELPOMENE. So uh uh I never ever ever ever thought I'd get a Soq o__o I kept participating in events, but I always fell short of someone else, and then this time I wrote a haiku and I GOT SECOND PICK IN THE FREE RAFFLE AH -melts- SO yes D8 Here she is, in the form of a TWEWY pin I still use this late in my TWEWY career. AAAAH -dies-

Alter Idem
OKAI SO I HAVE BEEN STALK STALK STALKING this shop for the lengths of forever D8 I can't believe Twisty answered my call. She actually gifted Troen to me, a rare centaur, when I least expected it. OH FOR THE LOVE OF HUMANITY YOU ARE ALL TOO KIND TO ME -bawls-

Realm of Kitsu
Well, this one was from a while back &3 I'm constantly looking for more Kitsu to add to my little collection, so I was really glad to get this lovely boysie from the music flatsale. I wonder what kind of man he'll grow up to be? ;D

Now, mind you, my real Shira will hopefully be here someday, when I have the time, skill and patience to enter a flatsale and win it, but here is some eyecandy 8D I won this little lovely in a free raffle, and I'm terribly proud of my luck. I love raccoons, even though I kept ignoring the one in the Pithy Twigs interactive story &.&;; -cough-

Durem Humane Society
A while back, GHS split into two shops and I told myself I'd have some (or a few) from each, so here I am, with my first longhair cat 8'D I won him from a speed FS, and I can't wait to see him up. Yes, he is named after John Lennon, but Lennon comes from a root that means 'love' ;D

Fairy Grotto
Thanks, KOTATA &3 This was the greatest Valentine's gift ever ;____; Kota won it in a flatsale and paid for it, and then she gave it to me. I've been wanting a Fairy Grotto pet for a LONG time now, so... here he is D8 TITIAN!!!!

Hybrid Technica
Rai has always wanted a Hyte, but never set out to get herself a byte o3o Here are two cake bytes from the wedding event, but now I feel terrible about not giving one away xD;; -dies- Oh, Belle, that was a terrible delivery PM!

Random custom ordered from Lileh-foo 8'D Delaune came out even prettier than expected, right right? &333 I love his wings~~~ I can't wait to cook things, HAHAHAH xD My favourite part about pixel shops, yup.

A loser-giftie from a game I played at Pokepalooza 8D I love it! I was so lucky to have actually won it, even though I didn't win the actual game itself o3o Mesonox is a prefix for words detailing midnight, aharharhar &3 Back to the cliche names, eh? THANK YEW MYTHEE~

Evander, revamped and recolored? That's pretty amazing o3o So glad to see this amazing shop back up and running. I was always so proud of Evander's concept, so now I can see it through to the end.

Gates to Hesperides
When I started B/Cing, Hesperides was one of those shops that I thought I'd never get a pet from, at least, not until some crazy day in the far out future when I was either rich or really, really lucky &---- like Soq. BUT I WAS WRONG. Rai was nominated for February, and she was totally surprised ;_____; He's beautiful. Thank you so much, everyone!

Rasalus was won in an RP contest o3o I didn't win first place, but I was so delighted to have won him~ I do hope he grows up to be just like his beautiful parents c: I think I have quite a few plot ideas in mind for him! It'll be exciting, a lion boy always is.

Pieta was won in a flaffle! One of the few times Rai has been first pick in a flaffle, so she was very glad to receive this girl c: She's edited, so I cannot wait to see what becomes of her 8'D &3 MACAW MACAW.

Mmm, Cephiel was an oldie. I got him maybe more than a year ago, at the easter event 8D Emil comes from the fishing at their major awesome pokemon event, GOGOGO if you're reading this right now c: This is such an adorable shop, it brings back memories from my pixel days... Yes, the name IS from ToS ;D

I've always had my eye on Adrian. Even since the first flatsale, when I decided not to participate, he's always been my favorite. And then he was rehomed! I was so surprised, so I went for it with my all, the wonderful encouragement of Kota behind me. Let's have a wonderful journey together!