I've actually deviated from this outline already but I try to stay close to it anyway....
The story starts in the oasis Castara with Dark Water preparing to attack the elemental caravan. They are looking for a powerful item that should be in the caravan. The caravan arrives and Dark Water’s troops attack while he slips into the caravan to search it. He comes to wagon with the item and is attacked by a yellow genie named Breezaria. During the attack Dark Water discovers the items are in fact two infants and as he tries to turn them Breezaria sends them through a portal. Dark Water captures the genie and sends shadows into her eyes. As he tries to leave the caravan another male genie stops him and tries to rescue Breezaria. Unfortunately he fails and Dark Water kills him when the genie lets his guard down. Dark Water takes Breezaria back to the camp for questioning. End of Prologue
Twelve years later we see Feory running from three guards she escapes with the help of Dunai, an older girl that lives in the thieves’ tower with Feory. Feory had stolen a female desert hawk from a merchant that was abusing her. Dunai tells Feory to get rid of the hawk but Feory secretly brings the hawk back to the tower. The hawks name is Deseray. Feory’s room is on the top floor of the tower along with two other people. Dunai lives up here as well as a guard from the palace that warns the tower of raids. He is also a dijinni spy sent here to look for the missing babies. Feory hides Deseray in a hidden room in the ceiling of her room. As she comes out of her hiding place her room mate Flannery finds her and says she doesn’t mind the hawk. Flannery shows Feory a summons she had received from the palace. It said that she and Feory were required to come and entertain the ambassadors.
Feory decides to get ready for the job by going shopping for some necessary items: a knife, a new sash, and fire powder. Flannery decides to come along with her own shopping list. While shopping they come across a new stand with many different items. One item on the counter is an orange lamp that seems to flicker like fire light. The lamp was in the shape of a tongue of fire with the opening at the top of the point. Feory asks the shop keeper the price, an old reed crone dressed in rags, and finds out it is quite expensive. Flannery drags Feory away without hearing the crones parting words. End of Chapter 1
We start by listening to Raine and her sister Careen arguing about the on coming banquet for the ambassadors. They are arguing about what Raine should wear. Careen leaves when she thinks that Raine has given in. Raine decides to sneak of to the garden and meet Emma, her maid. While waiting for Emma, Raine notices a crane in the garden and goes to investigate. The crane flies off as she nears but she sees a giant pearl in the water. Raine shows it to Emma who tells her how cranes bring mysterious things and advises Raine to get rid of the pearl. Raine refuses not believing in such things and goes to hide it from her sister. The crane is circling the garden right over them.
Raine runs across Careen on her way back to her room and Careen finds out about the pearl. Careen is instantly jealous and tries to take it from Raine saying it is too valuable for someone so irresponsible. Raine gets away with her pearl and her sister yelling after her. Raine hides the pearl in her room and starts to get ready for the banquet. She purposely dresses in the fashion her sister told her not to. Raine finishes and heads to the banquet quite pleased with herself. End of Chapter 2
Feory and Flannery finished shopping and went back to the tower to get ready for the job. When they are ready, they go through the market to get to the palace. Feory makes an excuse and leaves Flannery to go look for the stall. Feory finds the stall and buys the lamp from the crone and meets Flannery at the palace. Feory and Flannery get into positions in the banquet hall, ready for the ambassadors. The party starts and Feory observes all the guests including the princess and the sultan. She notices one ambassador approach Flannery and talk to her for a while. Feory is soon also engaged by an ambassador. Not used to the attention by the guests Feory asks Jakum why the ambassadors are so interested in the entertainers. Jakum says that the king told the ambassadors that all of the entertainers were for sale.
Outraged for being treated like a slave and scared of being bought, Feory grabs Flannery and finds that the gates have been locked. Feory then hides Flannery and can’t fit in with her so Feory goes to find her own hiding place. Feory stumbles into the royal princess’s room without realizing it and finds a place to hide. Raine comes back when she tires of the ambassadors and her sister’s constant glares. She finds Feory hiding in her room. Feory explains what the sultan has planned for the entertainers asks Raine for help(doesn't realize that she is one of the princesses). Raine is furious at her father for such an underhanded stunt and readily agrees to help Feory get the entertainers out.
Feory runs back to where she has hid Flannery and introduces her to Raine. Flannery can’t help but notice the uncanny likeness that Raine and Feory share, except for the hair of course. Flannery doesn’t say anything at the moment because they need to get the entertainers out but she tucks the thought away for future contemplation.
They manage to get everyone out while the royals are eating. Raine follows them to the exit door and apologizes to Flannery and Feory. Feory invites her to their home but Flannery doubts that Raine would ever be able to get to the tower. Raine says that she will definitely be there and the girls part ways. End of Chapter 3
Raine wakes up early so that she can more easily sneak out of the palace. Disguising herself as a servant she sets out to the market hoping that she'll find Feory. Emma, unwillingly, accompanies her, not wanting Raine to wander the city alone. Raine doesn't mention that she brought the pearl that she had found earlier with her, not wanting to have Emma object. Raine and Emma wander the streets for awhile not sure where to find Feory.
Raine comes across a vendor(subsequently the same one that Feory met) and looks at her wares. THe vendor catches sight of the pearl and offers to craft it into something that she is sure that Raine would find useful. Not suspicious in the least Raine eagerly gives the vendor the pearl, while Emma watches in undisguised dislike. Emma knows that there has to be more behind the offer but she can't object after Raine has already handed over the pearl. The vendor tells her to come back in about an hour or so and she'll have it ready for Raine.
Raine leaves the stall with Emma. SHe eventually sees Feory in the market about to steal but doesn't realize it. Raine ends up blundering Feory's steal and almost gets arrested herself. Luckily Feory takes her and Emma back to the tower where she wouldn't be found. On their way up they run into Giana, one of Feory's less than friends. Giana is unusually surprised by Raine's appearance and immediately tells her that she needs to leave. Taken aback Raine tries to find out why but Feory buts in and drags Raine away up to her room.
When they finally reach Feory's room, introductions are given for Flannery and Emma. They spend awhile up there talking until Feory quietly leaves the room. Emma and Flannery are deep in conversation so they don't notice Raine slip out after her.
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My stories
These are just some stories I've been thinking about. I'll mostly post this one story that I've been writing and rewriting since I was in grade school.
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Feory Firefox
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What can you do to save yourself when everything around you is crumbling.