How did I let this happen again?
I bit my lip and fought the pain of a broken heart
tore myself away from you
and let the darkness of the black hole inside me consume me
I tried my best to silence the burning inside
when I saw you
when you smiled
when you laughed.
I convinced myself that I was happy
for you
your girlfriend
and your own happiness.
I go through all of this
and you know what happens?
I fall for you again.
As I rewind the tape of my past
I wonder if it will all just be the same game.
I pray it won't.

I bit my lip and fought the pain of a broken heart
tore myself away from you
and let the darkness of the black hole inside me consume me
I tried my best to silence the burning inside
when I saw you
when you smiled
when you laughed.
I convinced myself that I was happy
for you
your girlfriend
and your own happiness.
I go through all of this
and you know what happens?
I fall for you again.
As I rewind the tape of my past
I wonder if it will all just be the same game.
I pray it won't.