Name: Daichi Mori
Aliases/ Nicknames: Stinger
Physical Description:

Name Tora
stage 1:A normal size zanpacto with a red hilt, and his sheath is tied to his back.
N/A Stage 2:becomes Pure black and looks like a jousting pole(what the old nights used to fight on horses)
Stage 3: Becomes a giant Jousting pole that can lunch off and breaks to ten more and lock on to the target that follows it around into it sheds blood..
Special Accessories: A necklace that points you through a maze
Skills: Martial artist, and a Strategist
Abilities: Smart and Fast
Personality: He always take things way to serious, he really doesn't know how to have much fun at all.
Biography/History: They are from Japan in Yayio period ( he was a great warrior that died trying to save his family from a viscus murder