(Same Crap, Different Week....)
Hey. So all 1 or 2 of you readers survived a weekend without me. Happy? Sleep well? Good! Now welcome back to my Hell. So where to begin. Saturday, right? Well I awake something like 5 or 6am. Strange dreams that come and go seem to haunt me now. They all feel so real and consist of things I really do...like shower, feed the dog, take out the trash. Then something freaky happens to me. Not too freaky like an army of monsters or something where you KNOW it's not real. Stuff like getting robbed, getting shot, or stung by bees. All very viable, and it's like I wake up with pain...as if I truly believed I was hurt to the point of creating the pain mentally o.0. Pains of all sort make me seem random or distant on MSN. I apologize. Anyway, once the folks are up they start arguing...and not quietly. Dad doesn't know where the money's gonna come from..blah blah. He has no faith in God, yet. He thinks he has to come up with some crazy scheme to fix our problems, then God will save his a** later. It just doesn't work that way. You must give all your problems to Him, TRUST Him, and continue to walk in His way BELIEVING that what you left in His hands will be addressed.
So dad can't afford to fix my car. I forgot about street sweeping, and I got ticketed for my car being out on the street on a Tuesday. Eh, I'm not worried. Just add $30 to all the money dad owes me and let's make it $400 even. School is right around the corner, but what's the point of registering if I can't even get there, let alone pay for classes? My need for a job is making me think of looking for anything I can find. I was being a bit selective cause I wanted a job that could either aide my progress in the computer field, teach me something, or at least not leave me at a dead end. I saw that Blockbuster just down the street is hiring. I may just apply and walk to work until I can make enough money to take care of my car. I mean come on, enough is enough. However I am no over-anxious fool. I am considering entering a brief fast, and waiting on the Lord for answers. I will take steps, make moves, and have faith. I can't sit still.
The latter half of Saturday was ok. My friends convinced me to hang out and we had some fun in the neighborhood. So they DO sell VS cards up here in the Hills! I swore I couldn't find any in EB, Target, or Toys R Us. I found out I was mistaken. Go figure. Not that I can afford any yet...hell I couldn't afford dinner...thanks guys whee . I came home to a watered down version of that morning, just rolled my eyes, and went to my room as usual. Sunday was much the same. I woke up too late for church. Folks argued most of the day, and into the night. I stayed locked up in my room until my eyes hurt from looking at my comp screen too much.
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Mind of a Shadow
I'm not famous...but some people for an odd reason want to know a little bit about me...
In time perhaps all will be revealed
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Longing too much leaves much to be desired...