She waved her goodbye quickley, then hopped on her bike and headed home.
"What a great day!" she thought.
"Kyo is soooooooooo nice! The best boyfriend ever!"
She got home and went to her room. The phone rang, but she ignored it.
"I'll let Mom get it," she thought.
"RIN! ITS KYO!! ANSWER THE PHONE!" Mom yelled upstairs.
"OK!" She answered.
"Hey!"Calm and friendly, Kyo replied.
"I'm wondering if your busy tomorow night...."
"No.... no I'm not. Why?" She asked.
"I wanna take you to dinner."
"Um..... hold on a sec."
She thought about it for a minute, then thought that she was free. The problem was, Kyo forgot about the date with some one else. Another girl, from school. Rin, of course didn't know about her at the time, replied saying she was free and to pick her up and 5:30 tomorow night. The call ended, and Rin couldn't wait for tomorow night.
Kyo, sitting watching T.V., heard the phone ring, and got up to go get it.
"Hey!" said a girls' voice.
"Oh! Hey, Caren! Um.... about tomorow..... I can't. My family is having a party. I'm sorry. How about Monday night?"
"Oh.... ok..... Monday is fine. 5:30?"
"Well, bye Kyo."
~Friday Night~
Rin walks in and Kyo was there waiting for her. Caren, not seen by our two lovebirds, is shocked by what she is seeing. They sit down, and the waiter comes. Soon he leaves, and Rin gets up to go check her make-up. Caren siezes the moment, and makes her first move. She walks over to Kyo, who has his nose in the menu, and sits down in Rin's chair. He puts the menu down and is surprised to see Caren sitting there where Rin should be.
"Erm..... hi, Caren." He said, not knowing what to do.
"Family party?! You lying, cheating jerk!" She replied, with anger in her eyes.
"I.....I'm sorry ok?!"
"SORRY?! SORRY DOESNT MATTER ANYMORE! YOU ARE A BIG JERK! A BIG CHEATING, LYING JERK!" she yelled, with tears rolling down her face, and with that, Rin came running out, wondering what the heck was going on.
"Um, what is going on? Should I leave?"
"No! You should stay! You're part of this. He's your boyfriend as well!"
Both of the girls ran out of the resurant, crying like there was no tomorrow.
When Rina got home, she went up to her room and picked up her diary. In it she wrote:
My life is like an anime. The boy falls in love with the main charecter, then crushes her. It happenes over and over again, until her fragile heart is in pieces, and there's nothing she can do about it. She's crushed for a long time, until she meets the guy of her dreams, or so she thought. He says he loves her, acts it out perfectly, then crushes her heart to pieces, her heart and her love for him, just to turn around and see the girl he felt most for, sitting on the cold, wet ground, crying so hard she shook like a tree swaying in the fast, cold wind. She hurts so much, and no one can tell. No one seems to care..........
To be cont.
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I'm most compatible with the Sadistic Seme and I am willing to give my body and soul to my partner, putting myself under their complete control in an effort to escape the pain of my tragic past, although I know deep down there is never an escape.
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