Past Quest Donators (2012 & 2013)
MaRkIe po0h - While not a donator, I want to say a huge thank-you to MaRkIe po0h for offering to reverse a huge mis-price in the market (where I lost around 12m) when I was convinced I had just lost my item and a fairly painful chunk of gold. Thank you so much for reminding me how kind and generous gaians can be emotion_bigheart emotion_hug emotion_hug emotion_bigheart
FalconBlade7591 6m emotion_jawdrop emotion_jawdrop .. emotion_kirakira ... ... emotion_hug
Imprimatur 20k heart
Damaged Butter 5,311g heart
Nova Mistral - 2mil emotion_jawdrop emotion_jawdrop ... emotion_kirakira emotion_hug
Jeeed Masterpieces, Noel's Gift 3rd Generation, Angelic Manner, Dander, Jack's despair, Jack's Anger, Jack's Disgust, Jack's Joy, Furugasa, Cloud, Orinkage Hurrican, Golden Fruit Flourish emotion_jawdrop emotion_bigheart emotion_kirakira emotion_hug
jitio tenkin 500k emotion_bigheart emotion_hug
ERICK 250k emotion_bigheart emotion_kirakira
Pur3_Imagination 159k emotion_bigheart
50k - horizontal mambo 87
Mad Muleh - Agreeing to sell to me 15mil below mini's value - eek eek eek .... emotion_kirakira emotion_hug Thank-you so much emotion_bigheart This means so much to me emotion_bigheart It's been a long journy, and I really do appreciate this emotion_bigheart Thank-you surprised
An Anonymous Benifactor - An Angelic Scarf eek eek emotion_bigheart Thank-you so much. I just can't say it enough. I won't ever forget this emotion_bigheart
I Son of Zack I - 1mil eek Thank-you so much! emotion_kirakira
Thank-you so much fellow minis quester and gaian Waifu, Undertaker Reaper, who donated 247k eek heart and a further 200k emotion_kirakira emotion_bigheart
Past Donators [as of Aug.15th 2008-present]
Gnarfy - 10mil eek April 29th 2011 - with Gnarfy's help, and the sale of a loooot of items, I managed to finish my devil tail quest - one that had lasted a good 3 1/2 years.
[Past Donators]
Most Recent Donations:
Jan: -Bubblegum Fairie- - 3.5k
Devious Melody - 50k eek <3<3
Devious_wayz - kaya, bat, sealds <3<3<3
November: 0
October: 0
Xiolic - art donation (Tag Shi) heart heart Heart:
August 2007:
Sora Sempai - 10k - heart
My_Melody1453 - 2k - heart
Badass Angel - 10k - heart
Steve the garden hose - Leaving gaia *clings to steve* I shall miss yew! T-T - 29k, Gift of Goddess (x17), Jan.07 (x13) Feb.07 (x8 ) march (x10) april (x4) may 07 (x5) June 07 (x6) July 07 (x1) heart eek heart We shall all miss you le steve ToT
Sora Senpai - 2k heart
July 2007:
vampirehuntress - 3k heart
Thank God Im an Athiest - 10k heart heart
Oink Oink - 20k eek heart *uberlufflesyourass*
2nd gaianniversary gifts:
Tsuta-chan - her wonderful pantiehs <3
buniiiiiiii - tickets ^^
2nd gaianniversary Auction ~ Angelic~Silver~wolf - 06 letterset o_o *uber-luffle-molests-your-a**-off* heart heart heart heart heart
Quest Donators Jan-June 2007:
Oct 06 (x4) sept 06 (x3) dec 06 (x1) Jan 07 (x1) eek heart heart Thank you
Lucy (in the sky) 15k + misc 06 event items heart heart
sakimi.chan ~ 10k + lotsa fishies heart heart
MooFrog987 110G + ice cream, Mimzy, 192 tickets, 500 tokens, & Ace of spades + March.07 letter heart heart heart heart
holly h o x dark halo <3<3
Teh Fairy of Giving - aquita <3<3<3<3
F I N E random clothing items + white olimpic shirt <3
Past Quest donators 05 - 06
Since Sept 05
saphire08 50g
RixX-969 1g
RazorTeddy 250
terra_fuego sea green sports vest
.+[Happy Bunnie]+. 400 gold
Airtia 1500g
YYHamtaromon 204gold
Kousyn 400g THANK-you!
fiery desires 4500
the Dark Dreams Charity : 500g
the unnamed charity: 1000g
the Destiny Charity: 500g
Anti-Apathy Guild (charity): 500g
Angel's Badass Charity: 200g & Single Sunflower - Bouquet
the Holiday Charity 500g
HamHam Charity 1000g
PrincessMule (the Princess Charity) 1000g
[Huggable_Thorn] 200g
[ Vowel ] ( from chippit ) 800g
Sirenz 5k
Maineshi 500g
*Name Here* Charity 200g
Hypno-chan 2000g
maclau 1000g (for my birthday <huggles> wink
FartousTheDestroyer 400g (for my birthday <huggles> wink
Hellstar 16000g & october 2005 thank-you letter
Shinyuri: nightwind dragon slippers
Dragons Sanctuary Charity : 400g
chibi_claire4966 : 1000g
weird_00112358 750g
TriOmegaZero doll ears <thankies you ^.^
~*The Invisible Charity*~ 1000g
Morbid Obesity 2000g
Kanaku (sold me a selaed letter for 2997g instead of 6k)
Kisanagi 2 coco kitty plushies o.o
DarkChizu 500g
Hands Across Gaia charity: January '06 & Nov '05 letters
MushyGuts blue paper cat ears band ^^
Hott KohKoh Charity 500g
The Poking Charity 175g
Mairi Poppins 500g
ElzieandOlly University top & skirt, distance rod & coco kitty
The Dice Charity 437g
Dark Lord Takegami 200g
Rusty Spooons 500g
The Tangled in Starlight Charity 201g
Cocoa_bean321 50g + jack pants
the little angels charity 200g
figure_8 100g
checks202 100g
Royal Randow Charity 1000g
Masked Tower Charity 700g
The Mediator Charity 200g
LilHelper 200g
Hiei_Sen 2000g
Sylph Soul 40g + basic fishing rod ^-^ <---le santa!
BBQPenguin Charity 600g
minion289 black streaked jeans
ElvenGal 112g
Elynor Single White Daisy - Black Bouquet
Charinje heart shaped box of sweets & 100g To cheer me up
xyse feb letter 06
xxtwist3dxx G pink shades
getitfromme 200g
Jinjur basic fishing rod
satainiam 500g
t.e.a charity 1000g
KaboomCharity 1000g 10/3/06
yakusugy 100g
Giuly 16 500g
TBH Charity 100g
XeroInfernal 1000g
wilson2006 900g
Brushfire Fairytale 1500g
The Smexifier helped me get a nitemare headband -I paied 140k, (s)he donated hte rest
hazelnut pookie 500g
DragonSlayerFemale 55g + blue tile + paper hats
Mr_Flibble Nov. 04 letter + horns eek
The funky charity 300g
[pink marshmello 3k
Cassie Catastrophe 1k+pandy pack
Malignant_Spirit 1k + 4k + pirate patch + 1k +1k heart
faf13 fox ears
xeroinfernal 1k + 1k
NaomiSilverWolf 250g
cutelatina_101 525
MacNaughten (giving inc Charity) 500g
shunned_phantom 300g ~pending~
Enya_Of_Ennis 200g+150+180
Giveahug_Takeakiss 3500g
-SHE SCREAMS iN SiLENCE- 5000g heart
Vaga Deathrose 1036g, prisinors shackles, shark teeth, space monster mask
[Dg] delux blue daffodil black bouquet with blue ribbon heart
Inoue-chan 1k
Mousey 600g
dancingdiva1129 15k heart heart
Habeas Corpus (Anty-Apathy charity) 200g
Kiru Nuria 500g
CreamofToast 4230g
PhoenixFire_Wish 1000g
xReNeGaDe_AnGeLx 1000g
Captain In Bed 1000g
Veripare 100g
Akiramay 500g
SamaraKitsune 1000g
Chaotic HatsuHaru 200g
Arrowroot 100g
The Beat EM! charity Chain of Command heart
mediocrty 1200g
Box Of Bullets 1500g
Angelic~silver~wolf June & May 06 letters heart heart
The hundrem millin charity Chade 10k heart heart
Kolohe & the 48 hour giveaway Sealed letter (July 06)
[ Peobody ] & The Giving Inc... the home of the masquerade king 1k
The One Winged Charity 5k heart (22/7/06)
[Pookie Face] 500g
Batsutousai Red pimpin skirt heart
broken666 1k
Donation from The ORO Charity! 2k
Terms of Insanity basic black hammer, yellow daffodil pouquet (single) gold officers badge, single purple saisy bouquet, purple mini boombox, red mini boombox, red ceramic mug, red rage bottle, crimson red pinpin cain, magitians wand + dark halo, deep purple rose headband, rose buckle trench hat, that black 90s visor, easter bunny ears, maid headband, white paper cat band, nurses hat, wine red pinpim hat, blue pompom scart, black tie, blue paper cat band eek
BFFdittman 700g
Tsuki Morningstar 2k + many fish, tokens & flowers heart
[[NeeChee]] 300g & white sports jacket
Demonic Life 1k
SSJ4Goku blue candy stockings, male white shirt (XD) + red kilt
..[bleeding melodies].. 9k to chainwallet quest heart heart
Mr_Flibble horns of the demon + Nov.04 letter heart heart heart heart
Vaga Deathrose - bid & wong Penguin slippers on my 1st anniversary panty auction ^_^ heart heart heart
The Smexifier 30k heart heart
Hellstar : 16000g + October 2005 thank-you letter
invisiblemule 20k heart heart
People Who I feel the Need to thank & Aknowledge:
Angelic~Silver~wolf -- Andy, your thread has always been awsome. I'm so glad you told me about it when I first met chu at your charity. You have some of the most kind and friendly peoples there every month. I do hope your thread reopens soon. We all miss it & You
Shi's 17th Birthday Exchange thread gifts (Jan 07-- 2nd-9th)
[Gift's shi's recieved ^^
Dream_the_endless Nov.06 letter heart
Cool raindow helm + 900g shadow_of_a_soul
Chiiiiiiii ballerena circled + 2k heart
Sheep Farmer 22 some random items xd heart
sailormako demonic pendant eek heart heart heart heart Thank-you so much! <3
Minion` (Mineh xD) 1500g <3 Thankies hun! heart
Steve The Garden Hose orly + jack bags heart heart
joe-joe momo heart heart
[ Prince_Damien ] a load of christmas 06 stuff, probe, earings! Orly, dec.06, unopened dec.06 stuffies, + more stuff xD *luffle* heart heart heart
Deviouswayz Jan 07 letter heart heart heart
Voluptuous Jon 10k heart heart
[Gift's shi's recieved ^^
Dream_the_endless Nov.06 letter heart
Cool raindow helm + 900g shadow_of_a_soul
Chiiiiiiii ballerena circled + 2k heart
Sheep Farmer 22 some random items xd heart
sailormako demonic pendant eek heart heart heart heart Thank-you so much! <3
Minion` (Mineh xD) 1500g <3 Thankies hun! heart
Steve The Garden Hose orly + jack bags heart heart
joe-joe momo heart heart
[ Prince_Damien ] a load of christmas 06 stuff, probe, earings! Orly, dec.06, unopened dec.06 stuffies, + more stuff xD *luffle* heart heart heart
Deviouswayz Jan 07 letter heart heart heart
Voluptuous Jon 10k heart heart