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My career in the making. FAIL!
(Unfinished) The Canine Connection
He paced back and forth, rubbing his temples and murmuring to himself. He didn’t mind the decision, but he feared for the students. They already had enough to deal with, what with acromantulas, trolls, werewolves, sphinxes, even the Whomping Willow was a hassle. He had no idea of who or what they were going to send over. The Ministry had been in touch with these things for quite some time now and yet they still had barely any knowledge of it. They were starting to send in demons... detectives. They were supposed to be well disciplined, act just like people, but they were still demons. Could he trust them? Some of the werewolves couldn’t even be trusted. They were supposed to take the wolfsbane potion, but some of them didn’t. If he couldn’t trust them, how could he trust a demon that has no potion to calm down with?

Dumbledore sat down at his desk and began to look over the papers that the ministry had sent him. They hadn’t even picked out the demon yet! He sighed and sorted his papers to an order that he desired.

The Ministry had been talking to the keeper of the Reikai (Spirit World) Makai (Demon World) and Raikai (Neither World). His name was Koenma. All Dumbledore knew is that the demon was well educated and a Reikai Tantei (Spirit World Detective). He had his doubts. All he had seen of the demon world were horrible, huge, sluggish demons ripping one another apart, not just for food... but for fun. And they were actually going to send one of those things... one of those creatures over to be taught at Hogwarts.

They would be receiving him or her today. At first there were to be two, but one of them declined. Dumbledore shook his head. “Sometimes I honestly believe the Ministry has no clue what they’re doing.”

Turning around at the sound of the door opening with a loud creak, he seen Professor Flitwick enter with a solemn face. “He’s here.”

Dumbledore nodded and set his robe around his shoulders. “Gather all the students and faculty in the Great Hall.”

Flitwick nodded and walked off to carry out the order.

Within ten minutes, everybody was set in the Great Hall. Whispers filled the air along with confusion and question. What was the assembly for? There had been rumor of a new student, but what was so special about this new guy?

Everybody came to a silenced halt as Dumbledore stood up from his seat and waited patiently for the quiet that he deserved. “Today, we have a new student. Normally, we wouldn’t hold an assembly for such an occasion but we have formed an alliance with what is called. the ‘Demon World’. And he is the first demon to come from there. So please, give a warm welcome to...” He leaned down and quickly got the name from one of the other professors. “Kurama.”

Everybody looked around. He wasn’t sitting with the professors, so where was he? Suddenly, the huge wooden doors flung open and in walked two figures. Questioning whispers once again fill the air.

“I apologize dearly for my tardiness. I usually do not condone such an act, but I had some... business... to attend to.” He said as he looked down at his smaller friend with disappointed eyes.

Many, especially the professors were taken aback at how incredibly well developed his manners were. More at his appearance. He looked... normal. He wasn’t wearing a school uniform, just the red and gold robes of the Gryffindor house. Under it he adorned a beautiful white fighter’s ensemble with a gold and blue sash that tied around his waist and white slippers, like those that Youko wore. Long blood red hair cascaded and flowed down behind him. Huge, emerald green eyes looked straight ahead with great determination and a sort of loving ease. His skin was like porcelain and looked frail, like a china dolls. Like he would break into pieces at a mere touch of the delicate flesh. There was another one at his side whom adorned nothing but black and white attire. He looked to be like a 10 year old but his eyes held a wiser and older age. Kurama looked down to his friend who was greatly eyeing all the different artworks and priceless pictures that hung along the walls. At seeing his friend’s hungry look of greed, he gave the smaller demon the “Behave or Die.” look to which the other just sneered. They walked up the middle aisle, straight to Dumbledore.

Sniggers were heard among the students. Some girls were swooning and some boys were laughing and pointing, talking about how much he looked like a girl. There was also a couple giggles over how short the second one was.

“Who is this one you‘ve brought with you, Mr...” For the first time, Dumbledore stumbled over his words, not knowing the last name of this mysterious young man.

“Kurama is my last name, Professor. If you wish to know my alias, I can give it to you.” He said as he stopped in front of the table, looking up to the old and very wise wizard. “And this, is Jaganshi Hiei. He was the other demon who was to be chosen to stay here as a student, but not being a people person... he’ll be watching from afar.”

A couple voices were heard in the back, one over all the others. “Of course he’s not a ‘people person’. He’s a demon! He’ll try to eat us all!” A Slytherin shouted, making the entire table laugh.

Growling, Hiei reached for his katana, wanting to lop the head off of the little b*****d.

Looking to the side of him, Kurama put his hand on his friend’s shoulder and leaned in to whisper a couple words. Telling Hiei that they were just stupid ningen children who had no idea of what they said. He sealed the deal with a certain promise to his hot-tempered friend.

Dumbledore understood the names but most of the students didn’t understand that family names came first in the Japanese culture.

There was much talk at the Gryffindor table. Some were happy, others didn’t care. And a certain group of four couldn’t wait to start initiations.

Dumbledore motioned Kurama up to talk to the school. Hiei stood in the corner and just listened. Kurama cleared his throat and began to address everybody. “My name is Kurama. I am a kitsune youkai, or fox demon to you. I am what you would call an S class demon.”

In the pause between breaths, a voice was heard, “Yeah! You look like it!” more laughter was heard from the tables. This time, it was from the house he had just joined and it came from Sirius Black.

Kurama only smirked and nodded his head. “Thank you.” Some of the kids murmured in question once again. Why would he accept an insult? “And what I was going to say before I was interrupted is that an S class demon is the strongest and most intelligent of all the other classes. My partner and I will be staying the rest of the year. Studying and taking notes on the wizarding world.

He looked down to Dumbledore who had sat to the side. Standing up, he put his hands up to silence the room once more. “Are their any questions for Mr. Kurama?” After Dumbledore asked, about 10 hands immediately went up. Kurama smiled with a nod to the elder Wizard and picked hands, listened to the questions then answered each with great wisdom to the fullest of his extent. Dumbledore was pleased with his answers, not just the answers themselves but the way he answered them. He had no doubt that this creature would be an amazing asset to Hogwarts

After it seemed that all the questioned had been answered which took another 15 or so minutes that added into an hour since the assembly had started, Dumbledore stood back up and took the podium as Kurama moved to the side to stand with Hiei. “With all that said and done, I declare the rest of the school day cancelled.” Everybody went nuts and cheered. It was still early, they hadn’t even had lunch yet. And the day was theirs to spend how they wanted to! Dumbledore looked down at his watch and smiled. “Lunch time.” He simply said as all the enormous amounts of food appeared on the tables. “Kurama, you will sit at the third table with the other Gryffindors. As well as your friend.”

Kurama nodded and sat down at the very end of the table that was closet to the professors’ table. Even though the food looked good, he wasn’t very hungry. He had eaten a harpy’s leg that he and Hiei and caught in the Makai just before they arrived at Hogwarts.

Hiei huffed, he didn’t want to stay there, but those eyes of Kurama’s were to damn enticing. Within those green-tinted windows was a sort of begging that Hiei couldn’t resist. In mid-conversation with his hot-tempered companion, Kurama snapped his head up and looked around with great curiosity. There was no way... no... there’s so many different “things” here that it could have triggered his senses easily. He turned back to his familiar who just looked at him strangely. Kurama smiled and shook his head, signaling a small false alarm.

The professors watched the new creatures intently with curious eyes. The kids were to engulfed in food to really pay attention to them. At least, all but the Gryffindor table. They looked at them curiously, wondering why they weren’t eating. Kurama started to laugh lightly while Hiei just grinned. They were talking about how Kuwabara would do in this school. And of course, Hiei suggested that he would fail within a week. Most of the kids stayed in the Great Hall for a while after lunch was over. It was better than having to go to their dorms. Just to sit around and talk was relaxing. Some went outside for some fresh air and others went back to the dorms for rest.

The professor’s watched with queer eyes as Kurama pulled out a mortar and pestle and seeds... from his hair... He put them in the mortar and began to grind them up. He then poured a bit of water in and made a smooth yet gritty white substance that sort of looked like sour cream and onion dip. Scrapping it out into a small bag and sealing it up, he gave it to Hiei who put it in his pocket. He then plucked another seed from his hair and gave it a burst of ki, but nothing happened. This ki wasn’t to make it sprout, but to make it... sort of obey Hiei. Hiei was to deliver these small things to Shiori. The extra seed would sprout into a beautiful and fully bloomed red rose with just a bit of Hiei’s own ki when he got into the Ningenkai. The reason Kurama didn’t give it life now is so that it wouldn’t get squished on the way to his mother’s.

Filch was curious about this gunk that the new kid made. He didn’t want to find it all over his clean floors. Dumbledore watched with a gentle smile grazing his soft and wrinkled features, although it was hard to see it under that bushy, snowy beard of his.

Looking up, his red hair flowing like an ocean of pure fire swaying around his girlish and graceful like features, he watched Dumbledore begin to leave the Hall. He smiled with deep eyes as he caught the oculars of the newcomer. Kurama bowed his head slightly in respect of his elder, watching as Dumbledore did the same.

Looking up with beady red eyes, Hiei scowled silently while Kurama began to put his mortar and pestle away.

“ ‘Ello and welcome to Gryffindor. You’ll be rooming with us. This is James Potter, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, and I’m Remus Lupin. Hope your stay will be enjoyable.” He said with a shining face and bright eyes... hoping not to get on the demon’s bad side.

Kurama smiled and nodded. “Thank you. I appreciate your hospitality.”

“You’re in my elbow room!”

“You’re in MY elbow room!”



Remus stepped to the side to see his friends elbowing and pushing each other side to side. Sirius and James were so possessive over their territorial bubbles. All the while, Peter was backing up, hoping not to get hit by the two.

Kurama chuckled lightly at the boys. Those two... smaller versions of Yusuke and Kuwabara with less cursing.” Kurama looked to Hiei who was mumbling about ‘baka ningens’.

Reaching down, Kurama pulled his bag onto the table, unzipped a pocket and pulled out two boxes. He began to open one, in which Hiei let out a low, rumbling growl. Kurama chuckled once again as the kids backed up. “Hiei is very possessive.” He shoved the box along the table to Hiei who grabbed it quickly and held it in his lap.

“What is that?” Sirius asked.

“Pocky.” Kurama answered while pulling out a chocolate covered sugar stick.

“What’s pocky?” Asked Remus.

“Candy. Would you like some? Don’t worry, it’s from Japan, by humans, for humans.” He chuckled again, holding out the box.

They all nodded and took a stick. Biting into them, they smiled and gave sounds of approval of the taste.

Sirius took another two sticks offered to him and shoved them up his nose then began running up and down the aisle on the side of the Gryffindor table he was standing on. Kurama looked at him, trying to contain laughter for his childish antics while Hiei just snorted and muttered, “Baka Ningens.”

As Sirius came running back from his sprint up the aisle, James put out his arm and clothes-lined Sirius, making him hit the floor and the pocky sticks almost fly all the way up his nose. At this little scene, half of the entire Gryffindor table busted out laughing. Jumping up, Sirius pounced on James and both boys began rolling on the floor, putting on a show of beating the bloody hell out of each other.

Kurama only watched and started laughing again. Yep, definitely younger versions of Yusuke and Kuwabara.

After the two had finally stopped, having gotten their fill of attention, they jumped up and smoothed their hair and clothes out; James fixing his trademark glasses.

With an evil grin, Sirius stalked up behind Remus and shouted, “Fire! Missile one!” With that, he plugged one nostril and blew as hard as he could, shooting the stick into Remus’ boyishly brown locks. Turning around after feeling the back of his head get hit with something and practically the entire Hall laughing at him, he saw something else flying straight at him with the sound of; “Fire! Missile two!”. Before he knew it, there was another pocky stick stuck to his bangs.

Remus’ face grew red with embarrassment. “No more sugar for you.” He simply said as he pulled the candy out of his hair.

Sirius laughed and began to shake and make very strange noises, his body jumping up and down and his eyes moving side to side rapidly like a crack addict. James joined him, thinking it would be fun, and he was right.

Remus slowly backed away from the two... Peter had already left the Hall to go out and get some air. Kurama just looked at them in honest amazement and Hiei... well... Hiei thought they were on some sort of Ningen medication. But he really shouldn’t talk, Kurama seems to remember how possessive and hyper a certain Koorime gets while on a sugar rush after eating ‘sweet snow’.

“Would you like us to show you around? So you know where the dorm and your classes are?” Remus added with a soft voice, just slightly annoyed at the two who were O. D. -ing on sugar.

Kurama nodded. “That would be wonderful. Thank you.” He stood up and threw his bag over his shoulder while Hiei took the trunk.

Walking up onto the stairs, Kurama and Hiei looked around at all the beautiful paintings. Turning around swiftly, Kurama stared Hiei straight in his grinning eyes and simply said, “No.” With a simple flick of the tongue, Hiei made a silent promise to his Fox counter-part to be a good demon and do no stealing.

“Are you two coming?” Asked James as they turned to look at their followers who had stopped.

Kurama turned around and began walking with them again.

“Don’t stop for too long, the stairs have a tendency to change on you.”

Finally getting up to the fat lady’s painting, Remus uttered the password, “Plathywuggle Keeger.”

As they stepped inside, they began walking up more stairs. Five or six flights later, they finally walk into the dorm. Kurama looked around and set his bag down on the bed that Remus indicated was his.

Hiei dropped the trunk at the end with a horribly loud pound, raking dust from the floor and sending it into the air, chocking every passage way the free-floating particles came across.

“Have you gotten you schedule yet?” Asked James as he plopped down on his bed.

Kurama pulled a small parchment from his pocket and unfolded it, giving it to the second crazy one with the round glasses that further accentuated his huge hazel eyes. His face was long and scruffy, not longer the boyish round he had most likely once held in a previous age.

Both James and Sirius looked over his classes. “You have arithmancy!” Both shouted with huge eyes and with a sort of shocked voice.

“Yes, I thought it would be fun to learn how to do math in such a different and intuitive way.”

“Fun?!” They shouted in unison once again, their ears not actually hearing this, not believing that he thought math was fun.

“Remus! You’ve already poisoned his mind!” Sirius shouted.

As Kurama laughed, Remus snatched the paper away, sticking his tongue out at his friends. “Brilliant. We’ll have the same class together.” He smiled at the red head who smiled back in return of the boys kindness. “Wait... you only have six classes. I guess Dumbledore forgot to write the last one down.”

Kurama shook his head as he dug into his bag, pulling out clothes, school supplies and the most recent picture of his mother and him. His mother was sitting down, turned sort of sideways and he stood just to the side of her, part of him hidden behind her and part of his visible with his hand upon her shoulder. He sat this three month old picture on his nightstand with care. “No, Dumbledore didn’t forget. I have a free class for teaching... and the subject is mandatory, incase you were wondering.”

“What the-”

“Bloody Hell!” Sirius finished for James as he plopped down on the bed next to his comrade.

“We already have enough classes!” James whined as Remus snickered. “Teacher’s pet...”

Kurama chuckled as Hiei took his spot in the dark corner by the head of Kurama’s bed, sitting down and getting comfortable while the others talked.

They slowly began to silence themselves while watching the newcomer begin to make himself at home. Kurama walked over, after making up that comfy bed and sat on the cold hard floor next to Hiei and chuckled at the small comments his temperamental little friend made.

“Do you want to see where your classes are?” Remus asked, breaking the still silence in the room.

Standing up and brushing himself off, he walked over to Remus. Folding up the parchment and shoving it back in his pocket, he began to walk out with the others, Hiei followed behind.

As they began to walk down the stairs, they stopped, Kurama stumbling just a bit as the stairs began to move from one hall to another. “Looks like your friend is stuck. He’ll have to find another way down.” Sirius said with a smirk.

Kurama smiled and nodded. “I agree. There is always another way.” As he said this, they watched as Hiei took a huge leap and landed on the banister of the stairs they were waiting on without problem. His footing being precise from all the years growing up in the Makai.


“Brilliant!” James finished for Sirius this time.

Kurama smiled up at Hiei who just ignored the boys and began walking along the banister in the direction they were heading in the first place.

“Hiei is a fire apparition. His speed and swordsman skills are unmatched. As well as his temper.” He said with a grin, to which Hiei only gave him ‘the finger’.

It had been an hour since they had started showing the demon his classes, trying to pull various tricks on him along the way, all failing.

Looking down at Hiei on the way back to the great hall for supper, he snapped his head up once more, stopping and looking around, his eyes holding a flicker of gold in them.


“Oi! Kurama! What’s wrong? Just seen the Bloody Barron or something?” James asked.

“Or maybe Peeves possessed him.” chuckled Sirius.

“Peeves can’t possess others, Sirius” said Remus, walking back to where Kurama had stopped.

With a low growl, Hiei reached up and punched Kurama on the shoulder. “Kitsune! Wake up!” He shouted, not wanting to play the fox’s games.

Shaking his head slightly, he looks down at Hiei and rubs his arm gently. “Why can’t you shake me, like a normal friend would.” At that comment, Hiei simply snorted and began walking back toward the great hall.

“Absolutely mental...” Sirius muttered while walking beside James, heading the same way as the smaller demon.

Once they had seated themselves at the table, Kurama and Hiei watched the second wave of the feast wash over the tables. “Is this all for us?” Asked Kurama, looking over to James.

With a chuckle, James looking up from his pumpkin pie -always wanting dessert before the actual meal- “No, this is how the house elves always prepare the food.”

“Quite a lot.”

“Quite a lot of students.” Remus said after swallowing a mouthful of food.

Kurama only nodded, looking at the bounty in front of him. Reaching just before him, he plucked a strawberry from a bowl and ate it quietly, waiting for Hiei to get back.

Kurama looked back at the loud scream that was heard down the table. Hiei had finally gotten back, but he was covered in dry encrusted blood.

Kurama’s eyes went wide. “Hiei...” he said with a heavy, heaved sigh. Standing up, he watched Dumbledore do the same. He walked over to Hiei and began speaking to him quietly.

“Hiei... you can’t bring that here. Take it back outside.” He said looking down at the now crimson colored body... he didn’t know what it was. It was severely mangled.

“Hn. I thought you’d like some real meat. You’re becoming weak fox, pitiful...”

Kurama only shook his head as Hiei teleported back out of the castle with the dead corpse still in his hand.

“Now, now! Everybody settle down. Our guests are still getting used to these new surroundings and are still learning how everything works...”

As Dumbledore kept talking, the Slytherin table slowly drowned him out, grinning and whispering amongst themselves about the shorter demon.

Walking into potions class, Kurama smiles somewhat. He won’t receive any actual homework in any of his classes today. He is only taking notes on what they’re learning for the term.

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