It's been too long...so I'm back to talk some s**t!!
This has some information from a passed entry that was done a while ago but a lot of it is new stuff so yeah. Have fun, enjoy it...or don't!! Why do "people" hate on others for small reasons like they're "emo" or for the way the dress, act etc. That's no reason to hate someone, if they did some s**t against your person that effects you in some way then yes I can see why, but I hear a lot of bullshit talk about "this person's an emo piece of s**t," ******** you're a piece of s**t if you don't look passed that ******** which I also bring up with drugs, I don't like them, I don't do them, I don't really respect someone for doing it but I still have respect for that person. If you can't look passed this bullshit, then you're quite ******** yourself, maybe even more so than this person. Maybe this person is a little egotistical. I knew someone who I will keep unnamed but this person was addicted to drugs and what not. A lot of people including a friend of mine said some stupid s**t about this person. They would pinpoint on the drug problem the person had, they were, or at least seemed as though they were incapable to see passed this problem. I could however, and this was quite honestly the nicest person I had ever met in that school. They might have had this problem but other than that the person was a better human being than a lot of those people. Look at me though I'm a piece of s**t myself, I've never stated that I wasn't...I hate gay people but then that brings another situation into play now doesn't it...I hate them because I think it's gross and yeah that's pretty much where it ends but I still have respect for all people, I may not personally like a person but I still have a mutual respect for their being. If I may quote back to a journal entry on gaia that I made a while back, "gay people they're free to do what they want and all, but if so I'm free to hate them." It makes sense does it not? They're free to be gay...I'm free to hate them, just as all these a** holes are free to hate people to hate on others for stupid a** reasons and I can't change that. I don't like them for their stupidity but I can't do anything about it, but I can tell people what I think about it. The problem with people in general is a lot of us have great ideas but they don't like to say anything because as people we don't like criticism so we keep our ideas to ourselves but me I like getting my word out there, now my word doesn't mean s**t but I have my word and if someone likes what I have to say then great for you I don't too much care but I'm glad to help, if you don't like it then great for you, you have a mind of your own and your own opinion, and either way I have to thank you because you spent your own time hearing what I have to say Just as people say or rather ask about do you "believe" in something or other. I've been asked do I, "believe," in God and I do but why should it matter? Why waste your time even bothering to ask such a stupid question, it's not like me believing or not has an effect on you. My believing or your believing doesn't do anything about it, my disbelief in the Big bang theory doesn't make it untrue or true. I like most science, the hands on s**t that can be proved, I don't like theories though I hate them. Again it doesn't matter though me believing does nothing for anything, if it's there it's there if not then it's not. So I say stop with the stupid a** questions and either get on with your life or in the very least let the rest of us go with our own!! I also hate the idea that people claim that it's music, or games, or the internet that mess people up. It's the internet that's showing bad things giving people ideas on what they could do, it's having a negative effect on people. This is what I like to call complete and utter bullshit, you know. Now for an explanation...people not too long ago but a while ago still, didn't have really good communication. Now this doesn't mean they couldn't communicate and all that. Before the internet or these mainstream games and this "new age" music came in, are these people claiming that the world was perfect before this? I think if you asked them they would say no but there's a rise in a lot of different things because of all of these things. Well no...people simply do stupid s**t...it's as easy as that. It's just a lot easier to get a hold of the information that people are doing stupid s**t. This internet gives us instant access to a lot of s**t, we can now see these people doing the stupid s**t easier but that doesn't mean if the internet weren't there that s**t like that wouldn't happen. One more thing...if you're stupid enough to do something illegal and MAKE A VIDEO OF IT AND THEN POST IN ON THE INTERNET you deserve to be caught stupid a**.
Vanilla H is still the ******** greatest...get used to it ********!!
It's not a lie...It's just that I'm...A story teller!!
JKiller one8seven · Fri Aug 29, 2008 @ 10:05am · 0 Comments |