Fox Tail: Ok I have all my summer home work done , I've got school supplies, now it is time to relax and enjoy summer *deep breath* Ah... Life is good.......

*NinjaZane walks up with school stuff*
NinjaZane: What are you doing? confused
Fox Tail: What does it look like? I'm enjoying summer. 3nodding
NinjaZane: Dude summer is over.
Fox TaIL: *Shades fall a bit* What? neutral
NinjaZane: Yeah smartie, school starts tommarow.
Fox Tail: eek WHAT!?!?!?!?!
NinjaZane: Dude, you spent all summer copped up in my room doing home work, and pre-ordering school supplies. 3nodding
Fox Tail: I DID?!
NinjaZane: Yeah, I will quote what you said. "Ok I will be very busy soooo.... NO DISTRACTIONS!!!! scream " Un-quote. 3nodding
Fox Tail: Awwwwwwwwwwww S***!
NinjaZane: HA HA HA HA HA! You forgot?! rofl
Fox Tail: Well at least everything is done cry
NinjaZane: Come on, cheer up. School will be over befor you know it! 3nodding
Fox Tail: Really? sad
NinjaZane: No! blaugh
Fox Tail:
NinjaZane: What ever made you think that? lol
Fox Tail: You B****!NinjaZane: rofl rofl rofl rofl

Fox Tail: Well Have a good year all who read this