Neji: but they r already left out
Monica: well i thought it be fun if we pretended we were in a play
Naruto: i hate u
Monica: aww thx
Margie: but i really feel like i wanted to do this play
Monica: Then... role play like u usually do
the next day
Monica: bye ate
Margie: where r u goin
Monica: nowhere
Margie: than y did u say bye
Monica: oh... i am goin to hang out with friends
Margie: bringing a purse??
Monica: i want to look fashionable
Margie: let me come with u
Monica: *goes up to screen* ok this is not supposed to happen... she doesnt know im goin to shop
Margie: oh... let me come... i love shoppin
Monica: no im not shoppin... im just goin to hang with friends
Margie: ok... i'll come
Monica: eek
Naruto: hey guys
Monica: ok i got to go
Margie: hey... where r u goin
Monica: to the mall....
Margie: well how did u get the money
Monica: nowhere
Margie: tell the truth
Monica: fine... there was no charity... i took the money we earned from yesterday
Margie: u ....u .... FIE!!!
Monica: *wakes up from a terreble dream*
Margie: r u ok??
Monica: where am i
Margie: in the hospital
Monica: y
Margie: well... u remember when Annie asked wat show... and we were all staring at each other
Monica: yea...
Margie: well Naruto started a fist fight and knocked u out
Monica:I cant believe this
Margie: yea... how could Naruto knock u out
Monica: no not that... that means... i have no money
Annie: is she ok??
Margie: i dont think so
Monica: well wat happened to Naruto
Margie: oh.. Annie knocked him out
Monica: *jumps out of bed*
Margie: where r u goin... ur not in shape to move
Monica: i need to take a picture of Naruto knocked out
Margie: y?
Monica: cause this means he is out cold and i have been waiting for a day to come when he doesnt talk
the picture

Monica: whoa... Annie u beat him up bad... i love u heart heart
To Be Continued.......
Community Member
Sakura: wow..hinata...that's the first time i heard u yell....
TenTen: Dido
Annie: He beaten up Monica here...
Margie: Look at my lil sister...when he wakes up, i'll be the one to knock him out!!