More RPCs.

{R}aiven {A}rashi {T}rai
He's been described as many things. Some people would compare him to a raven, or a fox. Cunning, calculating and sly. He's always thinking. He's an opertunist, and will never let one pass him by. Raiven isn't much of a people person, though you'd never know it. He hides things, and at some point gets very confused about when he's being fake and when it's actually the real him. His expression is on most occations the same. He finds emotions to be rather annoying and hindering, but he hides that with a gentle grin. He's double sided, saying one thing and thinking another. He does well in school and always does his best to, well, be the best at everything. He does things his way, how he wants to and when he wants to. Raivens way, no high way option.
Deep down there is a caring quiet side, a side that no one really ever gets to see. A side that is okay and self confident, and doesn't have to try so hard at being liked or accepted. He supresses that side often and keeps it locked away, because he feels it's a weakness, that he can't afford to have
It's rather boring, but here goes.
Raiven grew up in a nice house, on the edge of a large city. The youngest of 4 brothers, Raiven was bullied alot as a child by his brothers, and everyone else. Playing sports and rough housing never interested the young boy, that and if he did play it was three to one, and it usually ended in a dog pile on him. So to fill his day he would spend it with his mother, helping out in the kitchen and doing work around the house. He accuired a liking for reading, and writing, drawing and art. He ventured into music but that was rather difficult when hearing was almost lost in one ear, his brother held his ear to a stereo turned to max volume for too long.
He became very hateful as he grew up. Not liking anyone, he developed wierd habits and unique traits. He hated to be touched, any physical contact no matter what it was, made his skin crawl. It was the perfect thing for his brothers to pick and make fun of. He stood up to his brothers only once, and it's what got him sent away to this school.
He's 17 and Bi.
Current RPs-
• N a r i o t a • School for the Gifted
(( -:- Shinji Boarding School -:- )) -Yaoi-

Emmet & Embry
These are the demon twins, Emmet and Embry. Both 18 now, as troublesome as that is and both Bisexual.
Personality: He's a flirt and a bad boy, the uncharming prince. He thinks highly of himself and thinks that everyone else should too. Self centered, he does things his way, when he wants how he wants. He's outgoing and loves being surrounded by people. He's loud and tends to be obnoxious, and sometimes rude.
Short Bio: Well he's the oldest, by a whole 5 minutes. He never really had a childhood, unlike his other siblings. He was always off with other members of the family learning how to be an heir and stuff that really he didn't care about. The older he got the more rebelious he got. He is the darker of the two twins and isn't afraid to show it. He tends to boss around his brother.
Personality: Quiet and calm, Embry is not one to go looking to make trouble. He likes reading and being outside, more often by himself then with other people. He's a peace maker and doesn't like when people argue. He gets along with everyone, and tries to help out as much as possible. He cares alot for other people, more often then he does himself. Embry has very low self esteam and gets down very easily, it doesn't take much to hurt him. He doesn't talk very much either, to anyone, even his family.
Short Bio: Embry is the younger of the two twins, so in that respect his brother was always reguarded as the possible next heir, 5 minutes was apparently enough of a difference. Embry wasn't raised like his brother, who was always off somewhere learning different things and whatnot. Embry was usually alone, it didn't really bother him though. He would usually go find his sisters and play with them. His parents weren't usually around, or so it seemed, they were always really busy.
Things are better though, now that he is a bit older, he doesn't really care where his brother is, or what he's doing. He's learned to take care of himself.
They are Royal, both Princes.
[[ Those are all my current male RPCs. My [pretty] Amazing boys.. ]]


{R}aiven {A}rashi {T}rai
He's been described as many things. Some people would compare him to a raven, or a fox. Cunning, calculating and sly. He's always thinking. He's an opertunist, and will never let one pass him by. Raiven isn't much of a people person, though you'd never know it. He hides things, and at some point gets very confused about when he's being fake and when it's actually the real him. His expression is on most occations the same. He finds emotions to be rather annoying and hindering, but he hides that with a gentle grin. He's double sided, saying one thing and thinking another. He does well in school and always does his best to, well, be the best at everything. He does things his way, how he wants to and when he wants to. Raivens way, no high way option.
Deep down there is a caring quiet side, a side that no one really ever gets to see. A side that is okay and self confident, and doesn't have to try so hard at being liked or accepted. He supresses that side often and keeps it locked away, because he feels it's a weakness, that he can't afford to have
It's rather boring, but here goes.
Raiven grew up in a nice house, on the edge of a large city. The youngest of 4 brothers, Raiven was bullied alot as a child by his brothers, and everyone else. Playing sports and rough housing never interested the young boy, that and if he did play it was three to one, and it usually ended in a dog pile on him. So to fill his day he would spend it with his mother, helping out in the kitchen and doing work around the house. He accuired a liking for reading, and writing, drawing and art. He ventured into music but that was rather difficult when hearing was almost lost in one ear, his brother held his ear to a stereo turned to max volume for too long.
He became very hateful as he grew up. Not liking anyone, he developed wierd habits and unique traits. He hated to be touched, any physical contact no matter what it was, made his skin crawl. It was the perfect thing for his brothers to pick and make fun of. He stood up to his brothers only once, and it's what got him sent away to this school.
He's 17 and Bi.
Current RPs-
• N a r i o t a • School for the Gifted
(( -:- Shinji Boarding School -:- )) -Yaoi-

Emmet & Embry
These are the demon twins, Emmet and Embry. Both 18 now, as troublesome as that is and both Bisexual.
Personality: He's a flirt and a bad boy, the uncharming prince. He thinks highly of himself and thinks that everyone else should too. Self centered, he does things his way, when he wants how he wants. He's outgoing and loves being surrounded by people. He's loud and tends to be obnoxious, and sometimes rude.
Short Bio: Well he's the oldest, by a whole 5 minutes. He never really had a childhood, unlike his other siblings. He was always off with other members of the family learning how to be an heir and stuff that really he didn't care about. The older he got the more rebelious he got. He is the darker of the two twins and isn't afraid to show it. He tends to boss around his brother.
Personality: Quiet and calm, Embry is not one to go looking to make trouble. He likes reading and being outside, more often by himself then with other people. He's a peace maker and doesn't like when people argue. He gets along with everyone, and tries to help out as much as possible. He cares alot for other people, more often then he does himself. Embry has very low self esteam and gets down very easily, it doesn't take much to hurt him. He doesn't talk very much either, to anyone, even his family.
Short Bio: Embry is the younger of the two twins, so in that respect his brother was always reguarded as the possible next heir, 5 minutes was apparently enough of a difference. Embry wasn't raised like his brother, who was always off somewhere learning different things and whatnot. Embry was usually alone, it didn't really bother him though. He would usually go find his sisters and play with them. His parents weren't usually around, or so it seemed, they were always really busy.
Things are better though, now that he is a bit older, he doesn't really care where his brother is, or what he's doing. He's learned to take care of himself.
They are Royal, both Princes.
[[ Those are all my current male RPCs. My [pretty] Amazing boys.. ]]