Rest in peace Wendell
As heartless as it may sound I wasn't expecting Wendell to live for very long. The medication he had to take was obviously aging him. Many days he would hardly move and he couldn't make it very far on a walk without stopping to rest. But it truly did come as a surprise that he died. Yesterday when we came home from State College he was all smiles. He nearly jumped off the porch to come see us. Even though it was more of a fall he still seemed so happy. He wasn't much of a dog and often I called him a lawn ornament but I'm still going to miss his smiling face. He hasn't been feeling well lately because he was in a bad spell. I just wish I had been with him more. We weren't even at the house when he died. He was probably having an awful seizure when he passed. I just wish I could have been there for him. I know I'll miss him, I already do.
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