Perception of Reality changes according to time and motion.
Influencing any of the four can drastically change anything.
Perception being your views and your own grasp on life.
Reality being the real and truth of the Universe.
Time being the basis in which we do anything and as such we revolve around it.
Motion being the foundation for all established motive and being, without motion we would have no perception.
Bending these however has a different effect, it merely changes and reforms the formation of the four. for instance, a worm hole has the ability to change time and motion on a different plane of existence, the object sent through said worm hole has it's own piece of reality it takes with it to the next destination. As a result it bends our perception ON reality.
E=MC2 which means Energy= Mass * the speed of light * the speed of light.
According to this Theory it's said that no object can maintain nor exceed the speed of light, now through worm holes we can go around this theory and simple bend the two points together, thus changing the reality in which we live in. We are to understand that going the speed of light grants you eternal life, but as a result your mass is infinite, BUT exceeding the speed of light means that you in fact become younger. Though there has been no proven theory or even method that provides you with a way to do so. Not even to match the speed of light.
If you think about everything that we have accomplished within 50 years, it makes you wonder if there is a secondary benefactor on Earth, meaning other life forms. Whats to say we haven't met this being and probed it for knowledge? well there is not proof but there has been so many theories that it boggles the mind. What not also to say that even if we haven't met such a being that we will never? there are mathematical odds that state that in some point in time there will be in fact a meeting of the human race and another being that is as " advanced " if not more so.
There are so many factors that play into our perception of reality, it sometimes seems that WE CREATE our own reality. We have created reasons to fear and destroy and thrive and so many other perceptions that it seems that we are in fact realities controllers. If that where true than any theory or method we have created has been in an effort to set boundary's on our own mind. If we actually were able to understand the universe, there would be absolutely no reason to live beside for personal gain, and that seems to have been the downfall of so many that it doesn't even seem to be a good thing anymore. So many have been killed in the name of justice and peace that it's practically prosecuting our own self. If we could understand why there is reality and why there is time and motion, we might understand that living is truly a gift, but if we exceed our limit of knowledge that we might just end up taking everything we've achieved away.
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