Long beforewolves were domesticated there was a lone wolf and its pack.This wolf has gone through deaths in its pack,near death experiences,and tough adventures.One day,the wolves ventured into a village close to their den.The villagers feared wolves,they beleived wolves were meant death and destruction.Half of the pack's wolves were killed by farmers and the other half was badly injured especially the pack leader.The leader was anxious in visiting the village again.to show the village that wolves aren't evil.One day the pack leader went missing,and the whole pack went through the village,avoiding every villager.Finally they reached the deepest part of the village and find their pack leader with a village farmer,since the leader wasn't harmed the pack decided to join their happy leader.Years passed as the wolves lived with the farmer and all of the villagers,who learned that wolves weren't evil after all.The villagers decided to help the farmer and took in a wolf for themselves to protect their home from true evil.More years passed and the wolves had settled in their new homes,until one day a giant grizzly bear attacked the village,and just as their instincts told them the wolves protected the village.The whole pack and its leaderended up seriously injured.The wolves lived in the village for the rest of their lifetime the leader died in its sleep as it was on its way to America with its master and pack.Once they reached America,the farmer,the villagers,and the pack had a funeral for the leader after their long journey from England.Years had passed and the wolves were domesticated and the later called dogs.The farmer didn't know what was wrong with the pack leader for it to die in its sleep.That wolf was