lately i have been watching naruto Shippuuden and noticed somthing. Battles aren't smart any more, that really bothers me. In Naruto (plain naruto) the battles were almost always won by tricking thier opponent into smoe sort of clever trap, even naruto did it (naruto v.s neji) It was awesome, but I have noticed that im shippuuden, they seemed to either removed that factor or they just don't empsise on it as much. Instead battles are won with some randomly strong jutsu.
So here is my question. To the children of today influenced by naruto, and Naruto told them brains beat brons and Shippuuden tells them brons beats brains, than 2 thought come to my mind
1. We are going to have a seriously confused generation
2. Masashie Kishimoto is useing anime in a diplomatic stratigy to brain wash the kids of Japan and influence half to be super smart and half to be crazy strong in order to create a super army evenly balanced in order to ensure their quest to rule the wold may come to frutation.. ninja burning_eyes ninja
But mabey I'm just crazy! 3nodding
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Credit to 0Kira
92% of teens moved on to rap music.
If you're part of the 8% that rock out everyday, put this in your sigy
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(Oh, and it's "brawn".)