Hehehe! Time for some Random transcripts I love oh so much!! Oh, and the ones me and my friends made together and alone!^^ Hehe, the most simplest things make me laugh! mrgreen
+ What? Huh? Neh?-
Arisa: Cupcake
Arashi: What?
Arisa: Huh?
Arashi: You said something.
Arisa: Neh?
Arashi: What?
Arisa: Huh?
Arashi: Stop it.
Arisa: Wha? What'd I do....
Arashi: You keep saying 'huh', 'what' and 'neh'.
Arisa: What?
Arashi: ARGH!!!
+ Molopoly vs. Monopoly-
Akiko: Molopoly
Arashi: It's Monopoly
Akiko: Molopoly
Arashi: Akiko!
Akiko: Arashi!
Arashi: Quit it!
Akiko: Quit what? I didn't do anything...
Arashi: Quit with teh whole Molopoly! It's Monopoly!
Akiko: Fine.....
Akiko: Molopoly!<3
Arashi: ARGH!!!
+ What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up-
Rei: Ok, so now what do you want to be when you all grow up into fitting young men and women?
Jim: I want to protect the wild life with Little Ren! *smirk*
Rei: That's good! But I'm not sure about the whole idea on protecting it with my cousin.... *annoyed*
Gaara: I want to be Kazekage and I want Akiko to help me.....
Rei: Very good! Think positive on that and you will!
Zuko: I want to be Fire Lord Zuko AND Akiko is going to be my Fire Queen!*Glares at Gaara*
Rei: Good, good! The world would need good people to be Fire Lord or Kazekage! And I guess Akiko to help lead..^^'
Sanomaru: I want to be a doctor!
Rei: Awesome! Helping others who are sick that's a brilliant idea!
Fiel: I want to be a Katena and protect Ren-chan! *Leers at Jim, Jim Leers back*
Rei: Uh, being a spiritual creature with Etheria sounds like a brilliant idea but a bit difficult to imagine. *nervous laugh*
Arisa: I want 2B A Master! A Poke'mon Master! Oooh! ooh! No, I want to be a Katena too! No wait! Better yet I want to protect the wild life too! Hang on! I want to be a key-blader! No an Air Bender!!<3
Arashi: STOP TAKING MY IDEAS!!! I wanted to be a key-blader, katena and Poke'mon master way before you!! Plus air bender's are lame! Earth benders rock!
Arisa: Nuhu!
Arashi: Yeah huh!
Arisa: Nyamu!! Nyamu!!
Rei: I guess those are good ideas? *very nervous*
Rei: *speechless*
Akiko: Or I could be a fiend tamer!<3
Rei: I need a new job....
+ Quotes That Will Never Work For People-
Akiko: I just luv driving to Blitz games! I luv how the people are stuck traffic and how I just speed my way through, waving at them, flipping them off as I pass! (Actually this might work for her if she were drunk...)
Arashi: GACHA GACHA kyu~to figyu atto! (Hehe, I can see him doing the Figu@Mate thing! Very scary! I can see Arisa doing it well but not Arashi! *Caught you! Got you! Cu~te little figurine!*)
Arisa: Deserts and candy are bad for you! (Brainwashed!!!!! I would never say something like that deserts and candy are good for you! >:3)
Fiel: Has anyone seen Timcanpy? (If only he had Timcanpy instead of Toto it could work! But I like Toto better! He can talk!^^)
Gaara: OMG! Guess what kind of dream I had last night!! (If only he could sleep....)
Jim: Ya can trust me! I always drive within the speed limit! (Yeah right!!)
Rei: Every time I build a Zoid it turns out perfect! (No it doesn't! She killed my zoids when she touched them! )
Sanomaru: I always live on the edge! (He won't even go near a roller coaster......)
Zuko: I rise with the sun! Unleash the power of the sun! Sunny Delight!(Actually this might work for him...)
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