uggh, thankfully the previous mayhem of my deadbeat clone's bill has been settled, and they are now harassing the proper michelle petrosky for monies.
unfortunately, the phone calls ticked off the aunt, and gave her reason to be a bi... er i mean to be cranky again. things leveled off finally for a while, and now things are pretty much as good as it's gonna get. no random collection calls, auntie's in a moderately good mood after a nice "publicly embarrass michelle" session a few days ago.
and i've sold off a meager chunk of my childhood junk at the local flea market, landing a whopping.... 30 bucks. that's actually better than it sounds, considering i traded an old raggedy ann and andy doll and an avon barbie for about 70+ yards of brocade satin in about 15 different patterns and colors.
you see, the guy only THINKS he got the better end of the deal with a 70 dollar doll and some small junk, but i got 70+ SMEGGING YARDS OF FABRIC FOR AN OLD DOLL! that much fabric and especially the 7 and 8 dollar a yard good stuff, it would cost a few hundred to even come close to that quantity of fabric. ok, all total the longest segment is about 2 yards long, but the littler pieces are AWESOME for my kimonobabies dolls i've been making to sell, and they're also perfect for corset segments, and for making the dollfie-sized kimonos to sell, so that one trade will net me some DECENT profits at the next con i sell at.
so, yeah, i got the better end of the deal.
and i'm as close to happy as things are gonna get for now until after matsuri.
wish me luck in artist's alley!
View User's Journal
Michigami's Michi-gaia journal
the miche is an artist and costumer with too much free time on her hands lately
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January 24-26 2014 Columbus, oh -
April 4-6 2013 Pittsburgh, pa-
Aug, Columbus, oh -
Questing RuRu Kitty Plush or SD Rufus to represent my own cat on gaia.

January 24-26 2014 Columbus, oh -
April 4-6 2013 Pittsburgh, pa-
Aug, Columbus, oh -
Questing RuRu Kitty Plush or SD Rufus to represent my own cat on gaia.