Age: 17
Gender: male- Beyo Mujat-Female
Nationality: alien
Abilities: Can turn into a dragon wolf (look down for referance) called a Tasuh form. Can fly while in Tasuh form.
History: Has amenisa. Woke up to find they had landed on this earth in a pod envloped in a rock-like exterior. Has no idea about who they are excpet for their name, age, how to speak, and what the necklace means.
Other?: knows a few things about their own planet and learned english on their planet. Certian words will trigger memory and I plan to make them remember everything in the end.
Picture: Beyo-


Better pic of Maisie
Username:: Krae_Nai
Name:: Skulduggery Pleasant
Age:: 103 ((I think))
Race:: Mage/Skelton
Gender:: Male
Story:: Who is Skulduggery Pleasant? He's a wise-cracking detective, powerful magician, master of dirty tricks and burglare (in the name of the greater good, of course.)
Oh yeah, and he's dead.
Skulduggery was a leader of the defending side during the secret war. After his death, his body was placed on a pike and burned as an example to Mevolent's other enemies. Skulduggery did not move on after his death but stayed on and watched the war progress; to his horror, the tide turned and Mevolent gained advantage. In the book, Skulduggery's past life name has not been mentioned. In the book, it is mentioned that every person alive has three names, one which is secret and is obtained in everybodies sub - conscious, one that is known and if you are a sorcerer can be used against you, and one that sorcerors use to protect themselves
This prompted Skulduggery to return from the dead. He had been literally reduced to a bag of bones, reassembling himself - an experience he describes as 'painful' - and rejoining the war. The war was finally won after hundreds of years, and Skulduggery struck out on his own, becoming a detective. He says that the head he has at the moment is not his, but was won, and the only thing he misses from death was his hair.
Skulduggery, despite his bizarre appearance which he hides with a disguise in public, is something of a dapper gentleman. He has a polite, old-fashioned way of speech, and a velvety-smooth voice . As well as a powerful sorcerer, commanding the four elements, he is particularly enthusiastic about detecting, always sleuthing for clues. He is also a flamboyant egotist, vocally exalting his own plans and showing off his magical abilities . He is a clever strategist, usually forming the plan the team uses. Skulduggery's suave demeanor hides a desire for revenge. Because he died hating Serpine and his hatred brought him back, it forms part of his existence. He describes his true nature as a 'dark, twisted thing'. Conversely, witnessing the murder of his family makes him sensitive to the loss of others. Although he accepts sacrifice of individuals as part of war, he is highly reluctant to allow this to happen.
((guys, this is a book character, not orignaly mine, but hes so cool, I want to roleplay as him. Don't kill me with OMFG COPYRIGHTED STUFFERSJGAJSD;G
all orginaly belongs to Derek Landy, who wrote the book Skulduggery Pleasant. ))
Powers/Weapons:: Control over the 4 elements. Fire, air displacment, water, and earth only as a last and risky resort.
Appearance:: ...Hes a Skelton in a suit. Mostly wears a tan overcoat to cover that fact. With his disguise, he also wears large sunglasses, a wig and a hat. Also a scarf covering the bottom half of his face.

Other:: He likes solving crimes and mysteries.
Name: Kelsey Raskow
Race: Human turned android
Weapon: her strength and a small weapons (Throwing stars and knifes)
Age: forever 17
Side: Netural (but leaning towards good
Gender: Female
Pet: n/a
Bio: Kelsey was just your normal, average girl. With bright hair. But she ended up in a car crash that changed her life. The hospital said she would never be able to walk again inless she had surgery. Well, her brother decided to take things into his own hands. "Give her to me, I want to put my work into her."
He was a robotic technician. They agreed and let her be taken to her brothers lab.
As she so gracfuly puts it, "He must have put me under a WHOLE lot of painkillers to not fell what he did."
Her legs and lower torso were compleatly anamatronic. Along with her left arm. She slowly got used to it.
She thought thats all that was going to be changed.
But a few months later, her right arm was found to be damaged.
"Its deteroiting." The hospital said, "Shes going to have to get it ampuated."
Again, her brother intervined and gave her a new arm.
Soon, thought, the rest of her body was slowly falling apart. The hospital told him and he made the ultimate decision.
He asked her. "Would you be alright.... if I gave you an entire mechanic body?"
She told him. "I want to live with you brother. And I trust you."
A few months later, she awakened.
Her brother had replaced all her previous 'modifications' with a new, outer shell. Everything was metal. But strangely enough, she could hear her heart beat.
Her brother had left 2 human parts to her.
Her brain, and her heart.
She asked him what would happen if her heart stopped beating.
He responded, "I have a back up in there that should take over if that happens, but if it doesn't.... you will die."

Name: Krae- the name she goes by
Lattana Nai- her real name that she never uses and hates to be called
Age: around, er... I'd like to say 130? Looks about 18-21 though
Height: 5'8
Weight: 120
Abilities (optional): Can fly, make her wings contract and expand at will, extremely flexible, has good speed, heightened senses (all 5), smart and a potions master of sorts
History: Although Krae appears as a bad person, she is neither bad nor good. Shes just neutral on almost all subject matter. Which pisses some people off to no end.
She was born into a family that had a 'if you're a child, you do not speak till told.' and 'if you're a girl, better seen and not heard.'
She was very repressed.
Not a very exciting life.
Till she found a spell book that interested her. She became absorbed in reading and studying it.
She would sneak out at night, and go to the 'black market' of the day and buy the ingredients with what little money she stole from her parents.
After a few years of studying the potion, she got to work making a huge potion that needed several weeks to cook.
By this time, she was 18.
Her sister, who was two years younger, found out and wanted to help.
They both worked day and night of the potion, their parents not minding their absence till it was too late. They found them chanting the final spell over the pot, on the night of a new moon.
"Darkness comes and fill us all
makes us and shapes us till we fall
when we arise, we will find
we will have a devils point of mind!"
at the last word, they both took a cup and drank, while both their parents cried out in distress.
Needless to say the potion worked its effects fully on them.
It turned out that Krae was a truly gifted potions woman.
Both of their parents fainted when they saw what happened, so the grabbed the rest of the potion and fled.
After a few years, the started selling the potion to make a living, along with the other remedys and salves that Krae cooked up.
People were frightened of them, but were also in awe.
They changed their names so no one would know who they were and took on the names Krae and Kue.
On time, Krae made a bad batch. The boy who drank the potion turned into a miniture version of the devil imp.
She nicknamed him 'Shadow' and as his name implies, he followed her like one.
She is hardly seen without him and she plans to make him whole again one day.
One disavantage to being a devil imp, is if you hit them square between the wings, they turn into a miniture version of themselves and take on a childish quailty.
Eye color: red
Hair Color: black
Other Descriptions: wings protruding from her head, fanged tooth, wears mostly black and red. Has goggles sometimes for flights.
Other (optional): always on the look out for 'desperates' to give the devil imp potion to

((basicaly what my avi looks like now))
Name: Renee Daska (shes a vampire)
Power: Able to read ones emotions
Age: about 103 years, looks around 19-23
Discription: Even though shes able to read emotions, she herself has almost none. Shes very straight to the point and likes to drink. And I'm not talking about just blood here. When she is drunk, she often takes on a bit of a.. weird attidude. Her words don't get slurred, but she does seem to forget to say a few words. A few of the things she dislikes are people without emotions, like her. Hangovers. People who act like they know everything. Shes also a pacifist, which means, she won't fight.

Name: Luci Roa
Power: Great balance, Good eyesight, powerful legs and has faster than average speed (shes half cat, but no ears or tail)
Age: About 28
Discription: Outgoing and quirky, she often gets in trouble with people for pulling pranks. Shes usually plotting something or another, always one for fun. Shes easily fooled, but can get herself out of trouble thanks to her flashes of intelligance. Shes only smart when pulling a complex prank or when shes actually in trouble.
She loves milk cause she says, 'It coats other tastes'.
Luci doesn't know her family and is touchy on the subject.
A few things she dislikes are: Dogs, people who can't laugh a jokes, bad jokes, and no food.

Name: Brianna Zinnia, but please, call her Brie (this is off one of the sites I go to)
Age: 17
Height: 5'8
Weight: 148
Discription: Poet and author. Can use a kind of street fighting skill and a sword. Plus, shes got brass knuckles.
Slightly moody, sometimes a bit sarcastic, once she gets to know you, shes a bit nicer.
Doesn't like stupid and annoying people, people who think their the best just cause they can do something cool, and emos, which she is frequently called.
Eye color: Red eyes.
Hair Color: Black and red hair.
Picture (optional):

Weapons (optional): Brass knuckles and a short katana.
Name: Erin

Name: Neria:

Name: ?

I'll put more later.