Ok, I know in tabeloid time this is ancient by now, but I just found out (once again..in a TABELOID) that Tuomas Holopainen and Jonsu Salomaa are GOING OUT! wtf? REALLY???
once again..TABELOID..so I refuse to believe it until there is significant proof!
For those of you who have seen my profile, you'll know im a BIG fan of the band Nightwish, and also a fan of the finnish pop/rock band Indica.
(btw..for those of you who've been living in a cave for the last...eternity..Tuomas Holopainen is the keyboardist, songwriter, and co-founder of Nightwish. Jonsu Salomaa is the lead singer and song writer of Indica.)
Now...i hate tabeloids and such and always have hated them, and never believed them (not that i actually read them...but the news i hear that appeared in tabeloids..you get the point...). According to past interviews, Tuomas CONSTANTLY warns his fans NEVER to believe the tabeloids, whatever they may say about him or the band. But if this IS true..then our friend Tuomas is no longer the celibate man we've known him to be since Nightwish began! plus..Jonsu is very very cute in my opinion...LOVE the hair!

isnt she cute? I suggest you look up Indica on youtube...i love their music! even though i dont understand a word of the lyrics!
So...Tuomas my poetic hero + Jonsu my one of three scandinavian female celebrity crushes (the other two being Nightwish's Anette Olzon and former lead singer of Nightwish Tarja Turunen)...a couple who have much in common...both Escapists (like myself) living in their little fantasy worlds and then writing songs about it! how nice...-grumbles-...JONSU IS MINE DAMNIT! GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF HER! lol..jk...although one day...-daydreams-
Well...the basis of the rumor is that they were seen in some bar holding hands, hugging, kissing...ya right...
btw..for those of you who dont know...the two first did a collaboration on Nightwish's song "Eramaan Viimeinen" which is the vocal version (featuring Jonsu!) of their song "Last of the Wilds"....now Tuomas is producing Indica's new album (which i heard will be great!)
...so...they were at a bar...possibly discussing the new album...ooo theyre OBVIOUSLY going out! and omg..she hugged him and gave him a kiss when they parted ways...oh...what a relationship! we'll hear wedding bells soon!! (btw..that was all sarcasm for those of you who didnt get that...)
of course...you never know...she IS pretty...
so...that's all i have to say on the subject...for now...


never believe tabeloids! hopefully this isnt true! (Jonsu is MINEE!!) lol..
once again..TABELOID..so I refuse to believe it until there is significant proof!
For those of you who have seen my profile, you'll know im a BIG fan of the band Nightwish, and also a fan of the finnish pop/rock band Indica.
(btw..for those of you who've been living in a cave for the last...eternity..Tuomas Holopainen is the keyboardist, songwriter, and co-founder of Nightwish. Jonsu Salomaa is the lead singer and song writer of Indica.)
Now...i hate tabeloids and such and always have hated them, and never believed them (not that i actually read them...but the news i hear that appeared in tabeloids..you get the point...). According to past interviews, Tuomas CONSTANTLY warns his fans NEVER to believe the tabeloids, whatever they may say about him or the band. But if this IS true..then our friend Tuomas is no longer the celibate man we've known him to be since Nightwish began! plus..Jonsu is very very cute in my opinion...LOVE the hair!

isnt she cute? I suggest you look up Indica on youtube...i love their music! even though i dont understand a word of the lyrics!
So...Tuomas my poetic hero + Jonsu my one of three scandinavian female celebrity crushes (the other two being Nightwish's Anette Olzon and former lead singer of Nightwish Tarja Turunen)...a couple who have much in common...both Escapists (like myself) living in their little fantasy worlds and then writing songs about it! how nice...-grumbles-...JONSU IS MINE DAMNIT! GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF HER! lol..jk...although one day...-daydreams-
Well...the basis of the rumor is that they were seen in some bar holding hands, hugging, kissing...ya right...
btw..for those of you who dont know...the two first did a collaboration on Nightwish's song "Eramaan Viimeinen" which is the vocal version (featuring Jonsu!) of their song "Last of the Wilds"....now Tuomas is producing Indica's new album (which i heard will be great!)
...so...they were at a bar...possibly discussing the new album...ooo theyre OBVIOUSLY going out! and omg..she hugged him and gave him a kiss when they parted ways...oh...what a relationship! we'll hear wedding bells soon!! (btw..that was all sarcasm for those of you who didnt get that...)
of course...you never know...she IS pretty...
so...that's all i have to say on the subject...for now...


never believe tabeloids! hopefully this isnt true! (Jonsu is MINEE!!) lol..
Community Member
you should known that reaction would come outta me
if they are going out: HUZZAH!
if they arent: HUZZAH!...?
-shrugs- their lives, their decisions