Hello. My name is Kelsey and I'm crazy
x_ignoranceXisXbliss_x could tell you that!
Yeah so I had my thingy at Kentwood. and I only know one person here who actually goes to my school so if you go to my school please tell me. (not you x_ignoranceXisXbliss_x cuz I already know you) <3
well anyways...
right now I'm mad at my computer cuz its being an a**... my old teacher e-mailed me on an e-mail that's not working on my computer and I just checked it yesterday and found out that i'm an assistand Director/lighting crew worker for the Mattson play.
damn it
I wish I knew earlier.
that just sucks...
sorry for the bad language
okay there
happy now?
okay I'm done
buh bye!
View User's Journal
--*Wise men wonder While Strong men Die*--
This is my journal. I write things down. what more is there to say about it...? oh! Quote time!
-I'll be just fine pretending I'm not-
-*so much for my happy ending*-
<<--so deep that it didnt even bleed-->>
more later...