Ages: 1,984,584/1,948,534
Races: Shadow Demons
Appearances: Khelekan-


A better veiw of her outfit *loves her boots*:

Khelekan's:[too lazy to come up with atm]
For as long as she can remember, she has always hated twins, having had one herself. Being the older of the two, she always pushed around her younger sister by 5 minutes 18 seconds, untill it came to the point where her rage boiled to the point of her burtally murdering her younger sister in cold blood. A few weeks after that she met Khelekan and felt a strange attraction towards him, not caring about the huge age difference between them. She grew livid when she found out he was curently married with his 134th wife, wanting to be his wife. She soon starting plotting ways of brutally killing her, coming up with many different idea's till she got the perfect one and brilliantly carried it out, wearing the most sinister smile while doing it. Once Khelekan found his now dead wife he grew intersted in the woman who would kill so coldheartedly just for his attention and starting his hunt for her. She didn't make it easy for him, wanting him even m,ore intersted before finally alowing him to catch her, leaving a trail of dead bodies in her wake, licking the blood off of her blade with an evil smile, her emarald orbs watching him with a sinister victory, knowing she caught his attention to the point where he couldn't stop thinking for her. soon after they eloped, and she soon became pregnat with Carack and Curudel. once they where born she grew livid at the fact that she was carrying twins and would have killed Curudel if Khelekan hadn't stopped her. She in turn branded him with his red mask, as a constant reminder that she hated him and would rather have him dead. She didn't care that Khelekan abused their children in anyway he could, having always helped Carack cope with it while leaving Curudel to fend for himself, not caring if he grew even more insane every passing day. she was away when they revolted against Khelekan and fled to earth. When she returned she nursed Khelekan back to health, missing Carack a little, but was glad that Curudel was gone. many years later she was again pregnat, this time with Valendis. She smirked sinsiterly when only Val came out, teaching her different things while Khelekan once again, abused their child. Val soon left and they where left alone to do as they pleased, raping and brutally murdering anyone they felt like. Afteer a while she became pregnat again, this time with Matsutake and Yamano. Having already carried a set of twins, she knew instantly that she was carrying another set. Feeling her deep hatred grow even more, just wanting to get them out of her so she can brutally damage the youngest out of anger, having been seething throughout the entire labor. Khelekan then quickly took the babe's away, naming them and raised them himself till they where 16 before giving Yama to her, letting her do what she wanted on the condtion that she left him alive. She grinned darkly at that, all but pouncing on the frightened teenager, a silver dagger in hand and brutally rippe his vocal cords from his throat, making sure not to cut anything that would kill him and stiched the wound together with a silver needle and thread, wanting him to feel as much pain as she could give him without killing him. She then smirked sinsterly down at him, standing and harshly kicked him in the side, dropping the blade, cackling as it landed in his thigh then turned to leave, licking his blood from her fingers as Matsu rushed to his twins side, having been forced to watch by Khelekan. After that she and Khelekan left them, not wanting anything more to do with them, traveling around the world, once again picking up the habbit of burtaly raping and murdering any onethey wanted, not caring about their race. then she became pregnat one last time with Sumomo but before they could do anything Carack, who ha heard of her birth through the shadows, returned and stole her while his parents where sleeping, coming close to murdering them in hhis sleeep but stopped himself, knowing that it was a cheep shot and quickly left without a word. they didn't care, having ripped out her own ovaries, not wanting to have anymore childern.
Sexualities: Pan/Straight
Their Pets: