My grandmother always told me that every day was a new adventure. How true she was...
I am Stream, of the Waves Clan sort of like an indian tribe in your world. My people are experts in all things water. I am just a simple girl. I don't really enjoy the chores the girls are given. Hunting just seems like so much more fun! 3nodding Every day i would play with wolves and one day outsiders came and threatend one...
I leaped in his way. and shut my eyes in fear. their weapons of fire are terrible...Surprisingly he did not fire. he just mumbled and stomped off. I turned to make sure the wolf was all right but when i turned i did not see a wolf but, The animal spirit. I gazed up at him in awe. He wore what a proud cheif would were and bird of all kinds fluttered around him..." Dear child," he said his voice calming,"The wolves have granted you a gift, And you will have things at sunrise that you can't do certain things without. But only tell one trusted elder, the rest of your clan will find out at sunrise." and with that he vanished...I arrived back to my home and told my mother. She didn't belive me. "all well," i thought," she will see at sunrise" I wonderd what magic the spirit plans to do as i drifted to sleep...
That's all for this entry, i hope this is enough! blaugh
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I'm a different kind of flower,
Beware of my thorns,
Enjoy the dew drops,
That make me,
![]() |

I'm a different kind of flower,
Beware of my thorns,
Enjoy the dew drops,
That make me,
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![]() Shadow Dwellings Community Member ![]() |
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