heart First... my most logical choice: heart

Total Value: 5,363 Gold
After Exclusions: 1,600 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Neutral Starter Glam Guy Trousers
Buttoned Down Fauna Shirt 'n' Sweater
The 4th Amigo Lucki Boots
Lovely Genie Double Silver Earrings
Black Long Coat This is the only thing to get which I am currently saving up for!
HiTek Gas Mask
Alien 4d Goggles
heart domokun heart ninja heart Second... zomfgz, must I say more: heart ninja heart domokun heart

Total Value: 21,966 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Black Strapless Bra
Antarctic White Polyester Pants
White Star Face Tattoo
Celestial Wrap
heart Third... 60s me: heart

Total Value: 5,197 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Arrhh!! Midnight Coat
Antarctic White Polyester Pants
Anti-Fashion Sunset Air Runs
Anti-Fashion Lavender Hoony Tee
Anti-Fashion Aqua-Pink Head Wrap
twisted burning_eyes Fourth... well... you'll see: burning_eyes twisted

Total Value: 963,938 Gold
After Exclusions: 45,174 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Assassin's Guise
Assassin's Guise
Ancient Katana These are the ball-breakers(??)
Ancient KatanaSo I didn't include them in the price.
Steel Gunner Top
Coal Gunner Coat
Black Zoot Suit Tramas
Black Zoot Suit Tapa
Black Zoot Suit Calcos
cheese_whine and Fifth... "I'm a masterpiece! ZOMG" cheese_whine

Total Value: 34,029 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Brown Lace-up Cork Sandals
Egyptian Ivory Linen Dress
You like?
UPDATE: Finished number one!