Remember that sister I mentioned before? Well she's here for a month. At my house. I wasn't looking forward to it at all especially since we just saw her two months ago when we went on vacation to Germany. She's killing me, I can't stand her at all. Ever since she's been here my mom's been treating me even more like crap than before.
The day before my sis came here my mom got this stupid idea of making us sleep in the same room together. Its like, why? There's plenty of space in the house, why does she have to cram us in one room together. So she bought this queen sized inflatable bed. My room isn't all that big btw. So she blows it up in my room and it takes up my entire floor. Its so big I had to squeeze my bed as far against the wall as possible. I can't walk around in my room or anything because there's literally no floor left to walk on, and my mom's stubborn a** won't take it. She wants us to bond and get to know each other and be buddies which I don't want to be right now because I have so much anger built up inside me right now. I think this is all a stupid reason to try to make us sleep together. And besides, I'm almost eighteen. I'm not a child anymore. She can't force me to get along with her and hang out. If I don't like her than I don't have to. Just because she's my sis doesn't mean anything. You can't expect two teens to like each other just because they're related. I haven't known my sis my whole life and now she's in it and taking away everything from me. That hurts so badly.
Now that she's here my world has been turned upside down. She's a trashy tramp. She leaves her trash everywhere and she keeps hogging my computer from me all day so she can talk to her boyfriend who cheats on her all the time anyway. I mean I have a boyfriend too that I would like to talk to. Its not like I can just go to his house when ever and crap cause he lives on the other side of the country. Her boyfriend she's only away from for the month that she's here. Also she's stealing stuff out of my room too. She stole something yesterday and this morning I saw what it was. I dare her to touch my s**t one more time. She even keeps leaving my room door open.
My mom is being a female dog about this crap. Every time I finally get some peace and time to myself to talk to my boyfriend she tries to pull me away. She keeps on telling me to spend time with my sis and its like why do I have to. I'm not her mother why do I have to be the only one. She doesn't get that I don't want to spend time with her. Yesterday I was on the computer finally and she calls my cell from her room and tells me I need to watch them and make sure they keep it down because she's trying to sleep. I mean what do I look like? My sis is fifteen she's not a baby. Wtf do I need to watch her for? I'm so sick of my mom treating me like I'm her personal babysitter and maid.
My sis carries herself very poorly. She let her boyfriend give her this stupid hairstyle and it tor up her hair. It looks sort of like this (not hating on the band :'3). The guy with the hat on's combined with the napyness of the second guy. My mom's trying to talk her into a hair cut but she doesn't want one. She took her to the salon to see what they could do and the lady told her that her hair is so damaged that the only way to fix it is if they cut all her hair off. Only about two inches would be left of it. It looks so bad tough, we went to the mall yesterday and everyone we passed was pointing at her and laughing their asses off, it was pretty sad. I don't even think she brushed her teeth not once since she's been here. Not after we picked her up from the airport nor yesterday or this morning. I haven't even seen her take a shower yet. She stinks, really bad. Also she's gothic, but that I have something against goths, and she has no reason to even be. She lives with rich parents who let her do whatever she wants to. She's allowed to sleep at her boyfriend's house every weekend and go out will like 3 a.m at parties. She even only buys her clothes off the internet. She's a spoiled brat. She gets straight Fs in school and skips all the time. She hasn't gone to school ever since we left Germany. That's two months of skipping. She doesn't care about anything in life. All she's about is trying to grow up too fast. She's planning on not finishing school at all and when she turns sixteen she's gonna move out and i with her boyfriend. She can't even take care of herself how is she gonna get by once she's on her own in the real world. She's has no responsibilities, no discipline, her adoptive parents don't care what she does. She thinks they're so bad and my mom is so cool. She wouldn't be thinking that if she really lived with her. My mom doesn't let me do ANY of what her parents let her do. My mom doesn't let me have any freedom really. I'd rather live with my sis's parents. Sometimes I wish I was the one adopted.
Edit: June 28th
So my sis has been here for nearly two weeks now. My mom thought she'd have a good time if we go out a lot and do things but she's not. Every time we go somewhere she tries to ruin our fun just because she's not having fun. She always asks "when are we gonna be back?" just because all she'd rather do all day is sit at the computer and stay locked in the office all day. She has such a boring life. My mom subscribed to blockbuster for $30 so we can rent free movies for a whole month and my sis only rented one movie so far and didn't even watch it. Then when we went to exchange movies she didn't want to rent anymore. Everything we do that we think would be cool she's just all "bleh" with it. Also on her myspace she keeps writing in her mood space that she hates America and crap.
Then she said to my mom yesterday that she wants to go home early. So her mom is actually going to buy her another plane ticket so she can go home earlier. that means her mom waisted $800 so she can come down here for a month to see her real mother and then doesn't want to be here after all. Sure I'm glad she's not staying the full month but if I were in her mother's shoes I would be pissed as hell. i would personally force her to stay the whole month because that is such a waist of money.
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I also think it's disgusting how she can't keep up with her own personal hygiene. ******** sick! I actually like taking showers or brushing my teeth. It makes me feel clean and also showers or baths feel good. If I don't brush my teeth for like a day, it makes me feel like I wanna barf in my mouth. Have you even asked her about why she doesn't take care of herself?
It's a good thing that all of my family members are all grown up, with the exception of a 5 and 3 year old, because I couldn't handle your scenario. Well, goodluck with coping with this ordeal. I hope you can deal with her.