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///A story that shall sacrifice those who was unfamiliar in the society///
Chapter 1, Three Children's Curiousity
What does this kept happening to me?! The girl thought as she sits down behind an old rusty building with her backpack besides her. This place was legend that a monster with cruel spirit living it and was named Twilight's Hell, but the girl comes here due to her broken heart and emotional feelings.
" Wh...why does she always gets what I wanted?!" She sniffs around her arms. " After all I did for him...he's still....still wants that girl!" The sad girl grabs her backpack and pulls out a small piece of blade. I might as well be died---
She quickly take her wrist and cut it.
" But---this ain't what you deserves~" A voice suddenly whispers into the girl's head. " Wha..who...WHO IS IT?!" Her heart was pounding wildly. " You know how it is~That boy who won your heart used you and was rewarded by his girl in his heart~." The voice continues to talk. " If he won't thanks back, then he shall gain sins from you." The girl stand up. " I understand what to do now----"

In the class room of G-7, " Hey-Hey-Hey!!!" One boy calls out. " Have you watch yesterday's basketball game? It was the most biggest piece of s---- I have ever seen!" The other boys laugh. " Don't chu mean The second~? " The boy puts his arms around his neck. " Yeah~ You guys are right! It's not as bad as----ahh..." The girl was standing behind him. " K----k---KELLY!?" The girl smiles in a evil way.
"Was it THE MOST IDIOTIC B---- that is the most biggest piece of----" The class door opens. " HeY!!!" The teacher shouts. " NO INAPPROPRIATE LANGUAGE IN MY CLASS!!" The girl makes a snooty look at him. " W....why you---" Suddenly the class door shuts up.
" Te...teacher?" Everyone walks toward the door, but they can not open it. " W...Wha?! Le...LET ME OUT!!" A long pink hair blue eyes girl trys to open the window next to her. " Humph~!" The girl grab one of the boys.
" K--Kelly?" He try to say some words, but the girl cuts in. " Lang-Kun---" The boy's hand was shaking. " Let's go and kill that slutty b---- over there~" She points at the girl who try to escape. " Wha----What are you talking about Kelly!? You....YOU AIN'T THIS KIND OF PERSON!" She snorts. " I have~ALWAYS HATED TO BE A GOODY LITTLE B----" The boy was shock to tears. " Too late~ I'm bore!" She toss the boy to the pink hair girl and they both fall down from the window. " Heehee---HAHHAHHHAHH~!!!"
" HOLD!!!" A voice of adult shouts out from behind. But the girl turns around and the person shots her in the chest. " Ahh----" She walks up to the window. " Lang.....Kun?" The girl fall down and lands on the boy's back.

Next Day, " Now we are at the place where a group of teenagers was murder by the commit girl, Kelly Mao, the daughter of the second biggest oil compa----" The television was switch to a cooking channel.
" Awww~! That was so fake!!" A boy of spiky orange hair and yellow eyes yawns. " Yumi-Ya~!! Time to go to school!" An woman says. " Okay-mom~!!" He change his clothes and rushes out his room. " Bye mom~!" He grab one of the toasts on the table and accidentally swallow one part. " Gulp~!!!---ahh~" He takes a deep breath.
" Brother Ya?" A weak little girl with silky long hair and a bandage around her eyes. " Ahh! Yumi-Ru~~" He hugs her heavily.
" How's my favorite little sister doing?" He pats her head softly. " I'm not a little girl anymore Brother Ya!" She laughs. " Besides---I'm only dad and mom's little girl!" The atmosphere drops.
" Sorry...." Yumi-Ru whispers. " N...Naa~ It's alright! Hey, don't let such good day go to waste kay?" He pats her head again and over.
" Brother Ya's going to school now~!! Be good and stay home with Aunt Purana till I get back!!" Yumi-Ru nodded.
" OUYYYY~!!! Today I'm going to try my very best too!! Haa!!" He jumps over the stairs and rushes to the left road. " Ahhh~!!!" A long red hair girl with lemon eyes was hit. " Ouy-yahh....Ah! You okay Strawberry?" He grab her hands. " I....I'm fine Yumi-Ya Kun..." Her face was blush like the red hot tomato. " Hahh~ I guess I did it again huh?" Yumi-Ya smiles. " I...na.." Strawberry's face is burning.
" Ahhaah!!" He shouts out. " We're going to be late!! Hop on!!" She grabs on his shoulder and they run to their school.

The school bell ring just after Yumi-Ya and Strawberry get into their class room. " Ho--hohoo~!! We MADE IT!! OOUYAA!!!" He screams so loud the whole room hear him. " Haahaa~ Seen like our love birds were almost late to the class, Again!!!" Yumi-Ya turns around. " Ah! Wonky~" The white spiky hair with green eyes boy greets them with a hand. " Yo!"
" Wonky-Kun, good morning~" Strawberry bows. " Haahaa~As expected from Ms. Fair-Maiden" Wonky laughs along with Yumi-Ya. " Awwaa~" Strawberry's face becomes pink.
" Now-now class~!" The teacher comes in with a check board in her arms. " Please be seated, I have a announcement to make!" Everyone was whispering around. " I'm sure you guys have already heard about the deaths of our school activity president, vice president, and the daughter of the second biggest oil company from today's morning news." She takes a deep breath.
" And our principal decided that from now on every students have to go in groups when going home.
And most importantly, do NOT go and near the Twilight's Hell! I repeat, do NOT go and near the Twilight's Hell! And that's the announcement, now let's get out your Literature books out and take out the written exercise paper we didn't finish from yesterday!." Everyone takes out the stuff and did some schooling.

While change classes, " Yumi-Ya~!" Wonky calls out. " Ouy?" Yumi-Ya turns around. " Do you think that this whole murdering thing and going with groups was all just some kid stuffs that teachers trying to make themselves seen any stupider?" He laughs and tighten his backpack. " Hmm~I think that the murdering was just crazy! I mean, it's not like the Twilight's Hell spirit posses the girl who commit the crime and make her do stuffs, right?" Strawberry's body was shaking.
" You...Yumi-Ya Kun please...don't try to scare me..." Wonky's face shows a evil smile. " Ohhh~You're scare of spirits aren't cha Ms. Fair-Maiden?" Her face was weeping. " Then let us brave guys show you that there's no such thing as spirits! We'll all going to Twilight's Hell after school! It's DECIDED!!" Both Yumi-Ya and Strawberry's face drop. " W...wait a minute Wonky! The teacher said we shouldn't---" Yumi-Ya was cut in by Wonky. " It's DECIDED! IT'S DECIDED!!!" He rushes to his next class. " Ouyaahhh...." Yumi-Ya sighs. " Hmmm...Yumi-Ya Kun?" Strawberry whispers. " Don't worry Strawberry! Me and Wonky will protect you!!!" He claims.

After school, " i----i----is this Twilight's Hell?" Strawberry holds on tight around Yumi-Ya's arm. " Yep! This is where the legendary Twilight's Spirit, Kuu Boodusk, live in~The Twilight's Hell!!." Wonky climbs over the iron wall. " Come on!" He grabs Yumi-Ya's hands. " Just promise that we'll be home before 4 a clock! I have to watch Yumi-Ru when Aunt Purana's work is over~." Wonky nodded. " Ohhh~this place seen so...cold for a sudden." Strawberry looks around.
" Do you want to play with me?---" A voice talk in Yumi-Ya's head. " Ahh!" Wonky and Strawberry turns around. " Yumi-Ya? You okay?" He pat his shoulder. " I....I think I heard a voice---" Yumi-Ya stands up. " It's wants us to play with it..." Wonky cuts in. " THE TWILIGHT SPIRIT!!" He shouts out excitedly. " THAT MUST BE THE TWILIGHT SPIRIT!! HERE I COME TWILIGHT SPIRIT!!!!" Wonky was gone with no sight. " Ouyahh..." Yumi-Ya follows him. " Wa..Wait~" Strawberry reach out her hand while running. Just then, a shadow shows up behind her, it grabs her mouth and numb her. " Yumi...Ya...Kun....?"

Meanwhile, Wonky was exhausted by running around and sits down near the broken door. " Ahh-ahh~" He breaths heavily. " Tw---twili--Twilight's Spirit---WHERE ARE YOU~?!?!?"Yumi-Ya heard his voice and runs towards it. " Wonky!!!" But when he turns around, he finds a big emerald green stone door with picture of sharp object stabbing a weeping eye was blocking the way. " Wonky!! Are you in there?" He trys to pull the stone door, but it was too strong.
"Let's play together!!" The voice whispers in Yumi-Ya's head again. " Wh...Who is in there?!" He hits the stone very hard and still it didn't work. " I'll let you in if you would play with me~" It talks behind the stone door. " Play? But I'm..."
" LET'S PLAY~~~!!" The building begin to shake and the ground was breaking down. " Hyaahh~!" Yumi-Ya holds on tight on the door. " Okay-OKAY~! I'll...I'll play with you if you help me find my friend." The shaking stops. " Oh! That'll be great!! More people more fun!!" The voice goes away. " Ah...ahhh" Yumi-Ya sighs.

Back to Wonky, " Awww~I left Yumi-Ya and Ms. Fair-Maiden behind...how stupid of me?....BUT---~" He smiles. "---MAYBE IT'S A GOOD THING!" Wonky laughs out loud. " YUMI-YA AND MS. FAIR-MAIDEN SITTING UNDER A TREE, K.I.S.S.I.N.G.~Wohooo~!!"
" Are you his missing friend?" The voice came into Wonky's head. " Wo!! Who's...WAIT!! YOU MUST BE THE TWILIGHT'S SPIRIT!! Chaa~~I finally meet---ah...I mean....well can HEAR you in my head~!!" Wonky laughs. " Are you my soon-to-be best friend's friend?" It ask. " Huh? Best friend's friend...AhhAhh! You must mean Yumi-Ya! Yes, I'm his friend! But...Don't you mean best friend's FRIENDS?" He questions. " So you are the miss friend!! I'll take you to him!!" Wonky blinks. " Huh?...wait---wa..Wa...WAHHHHAHA~!!"

Yumi-Ya sitting besides the stone door awaits his friend to come. " I wonder if it'll really bring Wonky here---wait...WaIT~!!----Waahhh!!!!" Wonky step on Yumi-Ya's face. " Aww...My face---YUMI-YA!" He grabs him up. " Ouch..Wonky---" Wonky hugs him. " We're back together!" He touch Yumi-Ya's back up and down. "----STOP IT YOU SICK-O!!" Yumi-Ya hits him in the cheek.
" Now we're all here!" The voice speaks in both of their heads. " Ah! The voice..." Yumi-Ya look at Wonky. " YAY~IT'S THE TWILIGHT'S SPIRIT!!" He makes some loud noises around. " Let's go now! Let's go and play!!" It says. The ground starts to pulls them towards the stone door. " Wa...Wait!! We can't---" Just in inches, they'll be hit. " WE'RE GOING DIE AND BE THE NEXT TOP NEWS OF TEENAGERS GOT MURDER BY THE TWILIGHT'S SPIRIT!! WAHAAAA!!!" Wonky shouts. Is there no way out? Yumi-Ya thought. " HYAAAAHAAHHH~!!!" Both of them scream with fears.

"....ku?" Something made a sound. " Hellooo~" Pocking at them with it's finger. "...........ahh...." Yumi-Ya wakes up. " Ouch...---Ah...!" He move back a little. In front of him was a small little naked kid with extremely long hair that the ground was mostly cover by it. The eyes are strange, it's green but if looking into it's eyes you'll see that the eyeballs are like long diamond shape and spiky things around it. " W..wa....Wonky!!" Yumi-Ya shakes Wonky's body. "---hmm...aww...AH!!" He jumps up. " Yumi-Ya~!!!" He hugs him again. " STOP IT YOU PERVERT!" Yumi-Ya hits him in the face. " Kahhaha~!" The little kid laughs. " My new friends are funny~!!" Yumi-Ya and Wonky look at each other. " Hey---WHERE'S STRAWBERRY?!" Yumi-Ya shouts. " Ehhhh~!? I though she's with you!!" Wonky starts to worry. " Ah...Well...I.." Wonky was at Yumi-Ya's face. " How-Could-You-Lose-Her?!" He burst out with anger. " It's YOUR FAULT THAT YOU RAN AWAY WITHOUT US!!! I have to rush to find you!!" Wonky stops and sigh.
" Kuuu~Let's play---" Wonky cuts in again. " You're stuuuubid!!" Yumi-Ya was angry and starts to fight with Wonky.

" Kuu~! Yay! Fighting-Game!! Fighting-Game~Fighting-Game~FIGHTING-GAME!!!" The place turns into a battle ground, Yumi-Ya and Wonky was both wearing armors. " Wa...Wait the---" The bell rings and the crowds goes nuts. " KILL HIM!! KILL HIM!!!" The images of crowd yells. " If you don't kill him now, he's gonna hurt you!" They laugh cruelly, " Kill-kill-kill-KILL!!!" Everybody one by one was turning into blue fire. "Kill---him....?" Yumi-Ya drops the armors off, and so did Wonky. " I---I don't want to kill you--I just..." Wonky walks up to him. " I don't want that too..." He whispers. Then suddenly all of the crowd people became mist and shoot up into the sky as the sun of light.

Afterward, the room turns back to normal and the little kid was standing in front of them. " Kuuu~You guys didn't fight! No fun!!" Walking around in circles. " How did that happen?" Yumi-Ya ask. " Ku? You mean what?" The kid turns around. " Like how the place change." Wonky ask. " It's simple~"

The kid take a step back and the place turns into a forest. " Why? You guys can't do it?" The place turns black. " Huh? What do you mean? This isn't what normal guys can do! And it's dangerous!" Yumi-Ya says. " kuu~?" He grabs the kid's hands. " Can you...help us find our other friend?" The kid thought about it. " Ah~You want more play mates right? Okay!"

The kid turns around and take it's hand out. The light was coming out from it's hand and the light becomes a white instrument that looks like a violin. " Here I go~!" The kid plays a fast melody but sounds like a forest. When the song was finished, nothing happen. " Kuu~? That's weird!" The kid looks around it's instrument. " That person must have the blood of the HEAVEN or else she would have be here." Yumi-Ya and Wonky look confuse. " Blood of the Heaven?" The kid nodded. " She could be taken away by the Sanx, they want to have the power of the Heaven since I was created." The Sanx?" Wonky ask.

"They are the big bad guys who wants to kidnap people that are like me, though I don't really know why. " It yawns. " ---but~I wasn't capture though, they always playing died when I turn around. Never wake up~" Starting the dancing in circles.
" If you want, we can go there and play died with them!" The kid laughs.
" I...I don't think that's a good ideal...heehee.." Yumi-Ya laughs poorly. " Yumi-Ya~!" Wonky whispers. " Why is this kid naked? But isn't it a pretty sight?" Yumi-Ya hits him in the face again.

"You want to know why I don't have the thing I have around you?" The kid suddenly appear to them. " WOo...ah.." Yumi-Ya nodded. " Kuu~I thought you guys are strange having those things around you, is it heavy?" It ask. Yumi-Ya shake his head. " Kuu~I don't know why but all I remember is that I was put in here so I won't cause more troubles." It sits down. "---but that ain't true, I can still make it happen..." Yumi-Ya didn't heard what it said.

" Yumi-Ya~" Wonky whispers. " It hurts!" Yumi-Ya hits him again. " Shut up! You're annoying!!" He was hit again in the face. " stop it!! This will lead up no where!!" Yumi-Ya stops. " Oh yeah....Strawberry..." He stops hitting.
" kuuu~? LET'S GO THERE!!" The kid shouts. " LET'S GO AND FIND HER!!" It grabs their hands. " Wa..wait!" They wasn't ready. " My nose hasn't stop bleeding!!!" Wonky crys. " With the Twilight's Spirit we'll get a new player for sure!!" Yumi-Ya and Wonky was shock. But before they ask anything, they are taken out from the place and to a land where blood is all around it...

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