Kaiser Rasarai
23 or so, though his age is somewhat unknown at this stage
Hyper Human (Though the voidal and nova mutations have upgraded him beyond that)
A very forboding individual. Kaiser dons a protective black cloak with some black light armor beneath it. Upon his chest under the clothes is a seal that controls both the Voidal and Nova energies within him. Kaiser has silver hair that sparkles when it hits light, he still has the Nova red eyes from his previous incarnation. Kaiser usually wears a black brimmed had with dark sunglasses. On his sides is a blazing white Katana that is full of Kaisers pure Nova energy and a black machine gun, though instead of firing bullets the weapon has been callibrated to fire voidal bullets that implode on impact instead of explode. Kaiser looks more like an assassin than a Nova Knight these days. The black demon wings on his back signify his connection to the Void, though they aren't fully developed yet the wings still provide a source of unnatural levels of Void powers.
Kaiser originally was Lord Rasarai, but under unforseen circumstances the warrior lost his life and was reincarnated into this form. Kaiser is usually seen as a quiet man who rarely goes out of his way to make himself known. He is deadly serious when it comes to fighting and missions, though at this stage his only weakness is sexy ladies. If any attractive ladies approach him he tends to lower his guard and shows off his "charming" side.
Kaiser still has the berserker rage that his previous incarnation had. This berserker rage allows him to step up in tiers of power like with the Nova Forms. In combat Kaiser is a monstrous machine who will completely destroy his opponents. Though Kaiser gives of the aura of being extremely unfriendly and extremely dangerous, he is still a rather helpful individual who will always help those in need.
Kaisers life actually began with the life of Rasarai. Born under the influence of both the Fortress and the Puppetmasters Rasarai was whisked away by his parents at an early age. Enjoying a rather peaceful childhood Rasarai soon realized that his enemies would not let him live as he wished. Around his 10th birthday his family home was attacked by the PuppetMasters killing his parents and razing their home to the ground. Rasarai and his only surviving brother realized that they had to return to the Fortress and soon made their way there.
Meeting up with their other relatives there Rasarai and his brother worked hard to make a living. Anything from stealing all the way up to murder was the way to go in the Slums of the Fortress. Though they were simply making a living the PuppetMasters soon realized that Rasarai and his family must be eradicated. Though their intent on why this was so was still unclear.
Around his 15th birthday that intent was made known as Rasarai's older brother was killed in a skirmish with PuppetMaster forces. Feeling the toll of his brothers death as well as the death of his parents Rasarai unleashed his full potential as the Nova power erupted from his being, completely decimating everything within a city block. It was clear the puppetmasters wanted him dead due to his incredible potential.
For the next 4 years Rasarai gathered the forces of the Slums to wage war on the PuppetMasters in the Fortress. It was a bloody battle but eventually Rasarai and his Knights managed to storm the Fortress and defeat the PuppetMasters, releasing the hold they had on the citizens below.
Though in the next year or so Rasarai began to develop a dark strain within his being as he began to rule the Fortress and Slums the same way as the PuppetMasters, it was because of this the "Goddess" appeared. Placing an enchantment upon Rasarai she stemmed the growth of the darkness within him and once more he ruled the Fortress with justice, the Goddess soon became the love of his life.
Together with the Knights and the Shields of the Slums Rasarai fought back invaders from the Chaos Dimension, Necro Realm and even Ikibe's forces. Many enemies attacked the Fortress but in the end the solid teamwork of all of Rasarai's friends managed to stop them.
Though this was not enough when the day came for the Goddess to reveal her true colours. She opened up the skies above the Fortress to an unknown dimension only known as the Abyss. In that instant the Slums and the Fortress was overrun with monsters known as the Gnosis. Rasarai overcome with grief could not fight against his Goddess and was soon ensared within the Abyss.
After a year of imprisonment Rasarai returned to the ruins of the Fortress to find some of his friends still visited. Possessed by the Void of the Abyss Rasarai tried to destroy his remaining friends. After a titanic clash of high level powers Rasarai in his Super Nova form was finally defeated by the combined efforts of the remaining shields. It was this death that triggered his re-incarnation into Kaiser.
Nowadays Kaiser has command of both Voidal and Nova powers, and he no longer is possessed by the Abyss. He still has wishes to rebuild the Fortress but for the meantime he has waged a solo war against the Gnosis.
Somewhere in April, usually Kaiser just celebrates every day of the month of April just to make sure he doesn't miss his birthday.
Kaiser uses the Nova Blade, this katana like blade allows him to focus his sealed Nova power into a sword. Creating a devastating weapon. He also uses the Gravity Cannon, a machine gun type weapon that fires Void type bullets. Upon his body Kaiser is equipped with light armor made from Zero Alloy. The alloy has been reinforced by the Abyss magic to absorb and reflect nearly all holy and light elemental weaponry. It also increases in strength and endurance at Kaisers will, should he raise his battle power the armors and weapons battle power increase as well.
His light armor is actually far more complex than simple Zero Alloy. It is also in fact Voidal armor. Powered by his Nova energy the Voidal armor can actually distort the plane of reality around Kaiser. Being able to manipulate the plane allows Kaiser to disappear and reappear instaneously around objects and even avoid high level powers such as Aura or Destruction waves. The effects of the armor evolve with every tier of power, at normal levels it only effects Kaiser himself. Though the more power used the higher the manipulation. The armor also evolves as Kaiser moves up in form.
Kaisers Nova Blade is also not a standard weapon. The Nova Blade has infused in it the current Nova Powers Kaiser has at his disposal. The blade can heat up to monstrous levels of power and can cut through almost all physical matter. Able to project Nova Sword Auras and blasts the Nova blade is a weapon of the highest calibre. The blade also acts as a blinding source of light to his opponents. The blade also morphs with every ascension of power.
The Gravity Cannon, or the Voidal Cannon is an outlet for his Void Energies. Able to fire near infinite amount of Voidal bullets Kaiser can unleash torrents of Void energies at will. The implosion power of the cannon ranges from simple bullet wounds to actual building destruction, and thats from his standard form. The weapon also evolves as he ascends to higher levels.
Kaiser Rasarai has 2 major powers, his Voidal and Nova energies. Kaiser Rasarai can unleash all attacks relating to flame and super-novas. Hence Nova Chi. There are 3 known levels of his chi. Please note that jumping to each level (Flame to Nova) there is a side affect to all opponents for each transformation. Its usually a blinding light and solar level temperatures for a few seconds. Meaning should Kaiser Rasarai transform when you are unprotected you will suffer heavy damages or death. He also commands the Voidal powers as well. These powers create an antithesis to his Nova power. Instead of explosions it results in implosions that can actually be more dangerous than the Nova power. Used in conjunction Kaiser has become far more powerful than before.
Though at this stage his powers are not fully developed, he can only use his powers at his standard levels. More will be revealed at a later date.
Class C Release: Lilim Form

Class B release: Tekno Form

Class A release: Vandread Form