I suddenly realize how many things aren't done.
Thank you cards for the very first shower back at the beginning of last month haven't been sent, and there's been three other wedding showers since (We'll get them out some time! >< wink There's still a couple of people who haven't gotten their invitations and the wedding is in less than two weeks.
I'm STILL moving crap from my bedroom in my parent's house into our apartment- I haven't finished stitching beads onto my wedding gown (I'm only halfway done and it takes nearly an hour to get ten beads on... at least it feels that way...) There's three other showers to write thank you notes for... there's boxes EVERYWHERE.
I'm so grateful to my mum who has been so diligent in everything wedding-related. I was never much of a planner, more of a "the pressure is on, you better get your a** in gear" sort of person (If I ever owned a standard a**, I would name her Phylis, place a straw hat on her head, and give rides to the neighbor children). Needless to say, she's been the one co-ordinating most everything (Mum of course, not Phylis who is only fictitious).
Oh, did I mention she's making a three-tiered wedding cake, icing decoration and all? I didn't think so. She's making a three-tiered wedding cake, icing decoration and all. AND she made all our wedding decorations, including something called a light curtain where you hang shear fabric (which she stitched into curtains) on a frame (which she built) and hang mini lights behind it to dangle down and make this whole shimmery-sparkle effect (I've always been a sucker for shimmery-sparkle). We only had green-corded mini lights, so she taped up every single tiny little light bulb (over 200 of them I think) checked with an electrician friend to make sure it was safe, and then spray painted all the green cords white. The list goes on-and-on, and if you've ever been part of a wedding, you know how "on-and-on" that list can get.
Huge thank you to you mum. I know I've not been very responsive to all your hard work, plans, and notions- maybe even seemed aloof or ungrateful- for which I apologize profusely. But I really am very VERY grateful- even amazed by all the stuff you've done for us. Thank you so much, we couldn't done it without you.
Of course, Johnny's mum has done AMAZING things for the wedding too. She made my wedding gown for one thing which is such an amazingly awesome (okay everyone, count the number of times I've said "amazed, amazing and "awesome" so far- maybe there will be an obscure prize at the wedding for the person who has actually made it through this whole story and knows the number of times these three words have been said) She's also made the bridesmaid's dresses (there's four of them) as well as vests and ties for the grooms...AMAZING! AND she's making herself a dress for the wedding! She's also been doing things planning-wise for the wedding as well. I am awestruck by the wicked-awesomeness of these Women- surely there's two of each of them.
There are tonnes of other people I could thank for everything they've done for us, but if this were a speech, I'd already have people shifting in their seats and checking their watches (I'm sure you've probably shifted in your seat a number of times while reading this) so I'll just say a huge THANK YOU to everyone out there who's contributed to mine and Johnny's future together. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!