Ratman's head was pinned to the seat as he exceeded speeds of 190 mph. "This is awesome!!!" He said, with giddiness in his voice. "Look out Quizzler...here I come!" Just then, out of nowhere, he heard a pleasant feminine voice. "Hello, I am the Self Energized Ratmobile Automated Linguistic Onboard Navigation Apparatus , but you can call me SERALONA, or just SERA for short." "What the hell? Who said that?" He asked as he looked around the Ratmobile. "I said that," the voice said "You can call me SERA." He looked down and noticed that the sound was coming from a speaker on the dashboard of the Ratmobile. "Uh...hello...SERA?" "That is correct," she said "I am here to help you navigate the streets of Emo-am City...just like a GPS device." "Cool!" He said, realizing that it keeps getting better and better. "Take a left, that will lead you to the Emo-am City Bank." "Thanks!" He quickly (and recklessly) takes a sharp left turn. "Stop here." She said. "Hey...before I get out...I gotta ask you...how did you know that I needed to go to the bank?" Ratman asked. "Uh...lucky guess?" She said, clearly hiding something (FORSHADOWING!) "Okay, then! I'm just stupid enough to believe you!" He said with a stupid-a** tone in his voice. He hopped out of the Ratmobile and ran up the steps of the Emo-am City Bank, then after he kicked the doors open, he yelled "QUIZZLER...I'MA CALLIN' YOU OUT!!!" "Who the hell are you?" The quizzler asked. "I'm not gonna fall for that one, Quizzler! I know your game...you confuse people with questions...well...it's not gonna work on me!" He said, with stupid, undeserved pride in his voice. "No seriously...who the hell are you?! He asked a second time. Then ratman covered his ears, closed his eyes, and started to say: "LA LA LA, I CAN'T HEAR YOU, LA LA LA!!!" Then he pulled off his All purpose action-tail and started beating the s**t out of the Quizzler. "OH MY GOD, WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!" He pleaded. "Your questions don't affect me, Quizzler, so stop trying!!!" He screamed, while still beating the Quizzler senseless. "DEAR GOD, WHY?!" "You just don't quit with the questions, do you?!" Then Ratman ran out hopped back into the Ratmobile and sped off into the distance. "That was awesome!" He said as he got back to the Rat hole. He later learned that an old woman, who was blind, told police that the Quizzler was robbing the bank...when in reality...he was just opening a checking account. So in the end...Ratman beat an innocent man...but he doesn't care...he takes what he can get.
Stay tuned for episode two of Ratman!
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I see what you did there.
Pissin' off punk-a**, self-rightous vegans since 2011.
Goin' for the high score, you guys!
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