Gaian Name:
La Chibet (Kinky kitty ^^=))
Humen form ((it took forever to find but it was worth it i serched every page on photobucket to get this pick))
Yoma Form
Name: Jinmirai Hitoriaruki (means forever walkign allown)) just gose by Jin
Rank: Ex Worrior
Age: 17
Personality: Jin is hard and cold her boddie is an empty shel of anger. she hated every thing that crosses her path. a sadden shame to others to never feal love but to her it makes no diffrence she cant feal pain any more. she has felt the waves of pain come her intire life she has become tired and its shown in her eyes every day of her life. Jin can sleep another night for hounting dreams becan and torment her mind. Jin is cold and mean to every one exspicily those who say girls cant fight and are to be helped off there throne. she hates winnie people and girly gurls who act like they are somthign speshil because she thinks there nothing but piles of garbage. Jin likes the solitary life away from people but if you acuuly befriend her you gane a friend that will protect you no matter what and will allways stay by your side. Jin loves to sing and play gitar not to mention se is grate at it. but compaired to her drawings its just cunck change. Jin loves to kill and injoys the tast of blood on her lips. seeing the terified faces of her prey is injoyment enough for her. she also loves to gane more power when she kills also Jin loves to torment guys she would use any thing in her power to get things she want ((lolz gold digger lolz)) she loves to make guys want her and then crush them hard. there is alot more to Jin than meats the eye so the rest will be found out in the rp.
Biography: Jin was abandon when she was 3 and her famly was pronounced dead 1 year later. 4 years of walking the streets racked up one of the hugest bounties in the world but for the first 2 years she was beatin by people till she was barly alive. When she sined up for a turnament that left you on a desert iland for 3 years made her cold and she saw that evon the nicest people couldent be trusted. After winning that turnament she was back on the streets killing every one who anoied her bringing her to a point where she just hated people all together thay bothered her she was cold and crule. Jin is favered by Hades the god of death and has spent many months in hades. In 1 years she was known as Hades child by all evon the demons of the underworld. Jin was feared by just about every thing and every one no madder what race thay where. 2 yeas Jin spent training and now she is one of the strongest people in the world she is now the manslayer who loves the tast of blood. Word has teravled accross the seven seas piriots from all over the world have come to get Jin to join there crue. Because of this fact Hades gave her the sword of Hades, the handle is made of wood from the Styx. Wich allows the souls to make it through the gates of hades without truble. Jin dosent like to be bothered but hades is consistance he thinks of Jin as a doughter an keeps a close eye on her. Some people think Jin is part god part humen evon though she is full fleged yoma. its also nearly impossibole unless you have exstreamly strong sences to tell that she is a demon. Jin Has ben out casted by the people of the kingdome
View User's Journal
the world is'nt perfact i understand this but can we focus on the good in life?
you truly want to lison to me talk about how imperfect the world is and make it seem as if theres no hope?
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Love Is Like Smoke And Mirrors