Reusing the piratey header >D
Pokemon is on early today...weird.
Why is it that they waited until Sinnoh to explain the elite four?
meh doesn't matter.
Shani likes this elite four guy with the purple hair.
I am a bit unhappy...I can't get darkrai in my diamond game because I do not live in the US. "But Mandy! You could always use action replay!" but then it's less fun..but then again..they aren't doing the awesome Members Pass for the motel in Canalave City thing oh no, their just giving you the pokemon instead of having to go through the fun event thing.
*sighs* But alas..I think I may just buy an action replay for this pokemon.
But not today..Today I shall buy a wii points card so I can get some awesome games and stuff..like uhh Pokemon Snap! or uhh Harvest moon..
so uh yeah.
and now I leave you with a picture of a pichu.