Race: Wolf demon/sorceress
Orientation: Straight
Marital Status: Mated to Akatsuki Motoya
Bio: Found by Harusaki's uncle when she was just a baby, she was brought to the demoness and has been her daughter ever since. When she was still a child, though she grew rapidly, she found out that she could control the elements that surrounded her, thusly proclaiming herself a sorceress. A few years after she hit sixteen, she happened upon Akatsuki. Memories of her past, before she had joined the Taisho family came back to her, and she remembered him being a playmate at the summer gatherings. They eventually fell in love, and she was soon to mate with him and bare his child. However, just before the baby was due, she was attacked by the same demon which had haunted her little brother's mate's brother [Danek], the creature possessing Akatsu. He raped her and tore her baby from her body before he disappeared. Since then, she had said very little, and in her mourning, her hair had turned the purest of silvers.

Wolf Form: [Silver one]



Name: Akira Taisho
Race: Wolf demon/dog demon
Orientation: Straight
Marital Status: Newly-mated to Tara
Bio: First born into Harusaki's family from her fist mate, Trie, despite her admittance of Mika and Akatsuki, Akira has been next in line for the Taisho Empire, since both his grandfather and mother had foregone the responsibility. He is still undecided on whether or not he wants to take the role as Taiyoukai. His life too has been sullied by the demon who had inhabited Danek, having been raped by the fox demon while the demon was still within him. However, after his rape, he met Tara. Because of this, he was actually glad he was raped. Now, he is mated to Tara, and she is carrying their child, which Akira could not be more terrified and excited for.

Wolf Form:



Name: Akatsuki Motoya
Race: Ookami Youkai
Orientation: Straight
Marital Status: Mated to Mika
Bio: Originally part of Harusaki's first mate's pack, Akatsuki held his friendship to the alpha long after the wolf in question had been cast from the pack, believing the rules of banishment had not been just. He too eventually had been cast out, and he searched for his former Alpha, fully intending on creating another pack with him, of course, after they both found mates. What he found instead was the usually happy wolf-halfling he had entertained during summer gatherings, and her family, whom Trie had already become a part of. He eventually took Mika as his mate, and was happy. However, when he was taken advantage of, he watched helplessly as their child was ripped from his love's body, and, even more helplessly, watched as she retreated into herself to cope with the loss. He blames himself for the event, thinking that if he had been stronger, he could have banished the demon from his mind.

Wolf Form: [Black one]



Name: Ame Taisho-Salvidor
Race: Vampire/Dog Demon
Orientation: Unknown
Marital Status: Good luck to the sorry b*****d who falls in love with her
Bio: Born to Harusaki and Damion, Ame is daddy's little girl. She absolutely adores her father and all of his quirks. She seems to be able to relate to his vampiric tendencies, and for some reason is interested in what he keeps in the basement...

Name: Gin Taisho-Salvidor
Race: Vampire/Dog Demon
Orientation: Unknown
Marital Status: Good luck to the sorry b*****d who falls in love with her
Bio: Born to Harusaki and Damion, Ame's twin, Gin is more of Haru's spirit. She's shy and gentle, and not enamoured with her father as her sister is. Most of her time is spent with her mother and half-siblings, especially the wounded Mika, who still suffers the depression of her lost baby, for whom Gin's heart bleeds.