Darkness consumed the tundra::
Never have I seen darkness consume light::
The way the black just swallowed the white::
Icy cold death awaited me, I know it::
inconspicuos souls sauntered about me::
wondering when they could strike,
and set my soul free::
As the black souls danced around me I sang::
"shadows of death, I shall fear no,"
when a demon jumped forth in the snow::
"What must I give!" I yelled to the beast::
"Your soul" was his relpy,
but I had no will to comply::
And that is when I decided to::
when I decided to fight,
mercilessly like a clad with a bite::
I would not surrender my soul to this creature::
this creature of evil, and darkness, and sorrow,
who willed me to see no tomorrow::
So I put an end to it::
I removed my knife,
and there it slept, tearing at life::
I didn't know who I stabbed::
But when red hit the floor, so did black,
I was confused, I utter "ack,"
I had stabbed myself in the arm::
But then, I realized, almost instantly,
The evil I had destroyed was the evil in me....
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Community Member
Your very good indeed ^.^