i had fun yesterday and today yup yup

i graduated yesterday yup yups and it was ok......had to get up 6 int he morning just go to my own graduation how lame is that and not all my family members could go cuz it was a weekday aaaaaannnddd they had to work which was ******** RETARDEDLY STUPIDLY LAME!!!!1.....but i guess in the end i had fun cuz i spent all night thats day just out with friends until 6 in the morning yup yup!!angie ,prisci, and myra were badass and were the s**t especially myra cuz she was the one driving which i praise her for having energy to do so after all we did

the very very last thing we were gonna do was gonna go to Ihop but we were too tired from running around town all night and going up and down el paso so in the end we just decicded to go home...but it was all fun and worth it, i got a scolding and probably grounded but oh well