Yes, yes, I know. Some of you hate American Idol and call it gay, stupid, dumb, plain evil and other more cuss-like terms. Well boo-freaking-hoo, because I love it! And I know I shall probably be pelted with rocks soon by an angry mob, but then I shall hide in a bomb shelter. So ha. :3
Anyways though, I have excellent news for David Cook fans.
He won!
Yes, you are reading right.
He won.
And Archuletta LOOOOST.
As was destined by everything.
He's like the male version of the 'girl-next-door', and besides, even though I do have to admit his voice isn't enough to make my eardrums bleed, David (COOK) is so much freaking better. And that's only a little biased, since I like rock and he has a good voice for rock.
Like when he was singing and ZZ Top was next to him, playing guitar! That was awesome!
And yes, I know I sound like a fangirl. As before, oh well. Don't really care. Just happy he won! So take that David Archuletta fans. Your sissy little teen was beat. Now go find some other journal entry about how Archuletta lost (haha xD) and keep going insane.

Anyways though, I have excellent news for David Cook fans.
He won!
Yes, you are reading right.
He won.
And Archuletta LOOOOST.
As was destined by everything.
He's like the male version of the 'girl-next-door', and besides, even though I do have to admit his voice isn't enough to make my eardrums bleed, David (COOK) is so much freaking better. And that's only a little biased, since I like rock and he has a good voice for rock.
Like when he was singing and ZZ Top was next to him, playing guitar! That was awesome!
And yes, I know I sound like a fangirl. As before, oh well. Don't really care. Just happy he won! So take that David Archuletta fans. Your sissy little teen was beat. Now go find some other journal entry about how Archuletta lost (haha xD) and keep going insane.