Untote BM- Neutral Good
 Name: Intonen Saigyo Gender: Male Race: Human Class: Fighter, Samurai Occupation: Jack of All Trades Alignment: Neutral Good Height: 5’ 8” Weight: 199 lbs. Age: Died at 27, resurrected at 77, looks 27 Hair: Blue, Natural Perm Eyes: Blue Build: Slight Muscle Tone Element: Water Personality: Intonen is a Jack of all Trades who will quickly jump on most tasks. His one rules is that he will not kill anybody and as a result he does not usually work for Evil-aligned creatures. Intonen is a nice man, generally liked despite his sometimes short temper. Skills: Escape Artist, Great Agility Feat: Espionage Flaws: Daredevil, Impatient, Inattentive, Overconfident, Short-tempered, Reputation Starting Equipment: Katana, Sense Evil
Deathmaster8000 · Thu May 22, 2008 @ 11:16pm · 0 Comments |