- So, I have exams on Monday and this is my revision weekend.
They're not majour exams or anything, just check up exams which everyone makes a damn fuss about.
It's saturday and I swear I've never been this tired in my life.
My mother and brother are watching some murder program and I'm listening to Paramore and Lily Allen.
I woke up at around nine which is a good time but I wish I could have slept for longer.
I went straight downstairs and ate cereal.
Yuck. Cereal.
At ten o'clock I started revision and spent two hours on physics.
At twelve I helped with chores, which was okay and stumbled upstairs to take a shower.
I swear my shower was like an hour long.
I got back down stairs and it was around two, I ate lunch.
Lunch = a bread roll.
I started Biology revision while watching 'Gentleman Prefer Blondes' with Marilyn Monroe
That girl is fantastic and the most beautiful woman ever to walk this earth.
It's one of my favourite movies.
After about half an hour of revision I stumbled upstairs to revise in bed.
I managed about another half hour before falling asleep for another two hours.
When I woke up I had a killer head ache and it was five pm.
I felt like I'd just been on a booze bruise and I had some hang over.
Dead - I stumbled back downstairs to turn on my laptop and check on an OOC board I'm posting on.
Like I said before, I've never been this sleepy in my life.
I'm posting, rocking out to music and feeling dead.
It's now six pm and to all my other feelings I'm damn hungry.
My life. Ah.