How flirty are you(Girls only)
Tagged: life, boys, dating, stuff, highschool
1111 other people got this result! That's 61%
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♥Fun-Loving Flirt♥
You're all about technique!You give your darling just enough attention to keep him curious and wanting more!You perfectly mix confidence and lightheartedness!People really fancy your sassy personality and very easygoing flirting style-once you turn that charm on,there's no going back!You prefer to send a quick wink or smile to let the cutie in your class know that you're interested in him,but you're never overbearing-a fine flirt!
Tagged: life, boys, dating, stuff, highschool
1111 other people got this result! That's 61%
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♥Fun-Loving Flirt♥
You're all about technique!You give your darling just enough attention to keep him curious and wanting more!You perfectly mix confidence and lightheartedness!People really fancy your sassy personality and very easygoing flirting style-once you turn that charm on,there's no going back!You prefer to send a quick wink or smile to let the cutie in your class know that you're interested in him,but you're never overbearing-a fine flirt!
I don't think this quiz is accurate... xp