Total Value: 253,072 Gold
After Exclusions: 39,359 Gold
[Item Information]Item List:
Long-Stem Gilded RoseEgyptian Gold Anklet (right)Egyptian Gold Anklet (left)CloudYellow Roses Arm TattooAngelbowHeart of GoldGold TiaraGold BFF Heart ChainEnchanted StringsElegant Lord's Mask (Diamond Gold Falcon) DONATED BY SANGO SHINDO A.K.A CORAL
Egyptian Cobra HeadbandEgyptian Gold BraceletEgyptian Gold BraceletGoldenrod Butterfly Terrycloth Tube-TopI made this for my dad. It's definite now. He has to go to Iraq June 15, a few days
after school ends, and this will be the first dance recital he's missed in my 12 years.
I've been dancing since I was two! We don't know when he'll come back, so I hope this little yellow Angel will help me
watch over him and pray.