Name: Doll Sanderson Sex: Male Age: 20 Hair: Light blond Eyes: Blue Body type: Skinny/slender
Doll was the son of a prostitute and was neglected much through childhood. His mother often used him to fulfill her customers sick and twisted needs. At the age of ten his father killed his mother, this caused Doll to run away and stayed with a friend of his mothers, an owner of a night club his mother went to get business. When the Doll turned nineteen he was collected by a gang that forced him down the path of his mother and insisted that the boy owed them for his mothers debts as she had apparently stolen drugs and supplies from the gang. Doll is also rather cocky and voices when he does not agree with others. Though he has a bit of a bipolar attitude and acts much like a child, due to the childhood he was never able to witness living with a difficult mother and in a sometimes abusive home.
Personality: He is outgoing and extremely loving. He acts cute though when in a bad mood he turns into a horrible potty mouth. Of course there are times where he is a little unstable and breaks down into rage fits or crying fits. Of course he also has a sexy appeal which if you feel comfortable drawing I would love it. Doll needs some not as innocent pictures of him as well. (Though nothing inappropriate of course.)
Hair: Either the long style below, or a short style that is even a reaches to his chin. I would like some of both style. If you see many people are doing the long hair, then you could do the short hair.
Clothes: *These are the outfits I would most like him to be drawn in* I would like him to either be drawn (Without a shirt and just in boy undies with a bear on the front) or (in a pair of jean short shorts with a tank top that says CUTE! on the front) or the last outfit, (pair of white jean short shorts and a large black that almost goes down as much as the shorts, the shirt saying MEGAMOUTH across it in white as the shirt is black) the last outfit is of a long gray like dress that goes to his knees, with an orange vest over it. Also he had black tights underneath it. His shoes you can mix and match, either blue and pink sneakers, or ripped up purple sneakers or a pair of sandals whichever you prefer.
These are good examples to go by

These are good examples if you would like to draw him as a child

Kaysgay · Wed Apr 30, 2008 @ 04:18am · 0 Comments |