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joey's journal
hello everyone! this journal is mostly for the many rp characters i play. XD.
random posting. lol
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It's a curse...

"Do you wish to die?"
The words of the strange man whispered so sweetly, played tauntingly in her ears. Did she wish to die? what sort of question was this? Why did this man choose her, to make fun of? Was it because she was blind, her eyes covered with a thick gray film. Was it because she was thin? Starved to the very bone. Was it because of her hair,and how it rolled past her shoulders down her back, it was thick knotted the ends were frayed and unhealthy. She had just turned twelve, she had doctors tell her at the age of four she was going to die, and they didn't know of why. She slowly turned her head, he run seeing eyes rested on him. "Death, would be better then this pain.." She replied to him dryly, her voice raspy and soft, the man could barely hear her. He merely smiled and scooped her up from her bed with ease.
"Then you are coming with me.."
She found herself far too week to fight him off or cry out for help. She screamed, as loud as she could but her voice could only muster a whisper. She shuddered as she was carried toward the dark and uncertain future.

She snapped awake from her nap, falling out of the dark memory, her eyes shifted adjusting to the light. She slowly picked up her head from the ratty wooden desk that she had bought a couple years back. Her eyes adjusted as the shapes and color of her one room apartment room filled her head. She breathed in, it was still a so miraculous that she could now see. It would seem that the man had kept his word, that she would live, but to live about seventy years, and not gain one single wrinkle or gray hair? She smiled as she lifted herself from her desk, she was just beginning to understand what happened. A ratty leather bound book rested on her desk along side of her head, papers filled with notes scattered across her desk.
She rolled her neck cracking her neck stressfully. she ran her fingers through her short messy black hair as she stood up and stretched out her long lean muscular arms.

She let out a long loud yawn snapping her white teeth together. She clumsily walked forward cautious not to fall. She sighed aloud, she was that much closer to figuring out her strange new powers, and her immortality. But for now she just wished to zone out, grab a coffee and maybe a croissant. Yes, a croissant would hit the spot, seventy years old and she still couldn't cook to save her life. She decided to go to a nearby bakery insted of opting to alet the fire house. She would need fuel to continue her life long search for others like her.Ohters who coul dmanipulate metels, others that couldn't die, she aslo serched for that man. the man that forced this lonely curse on her soul.

Living forever, all alone..

It's a curse..

Her strange dark red eyes stared upward as her long dark eyelashes batted away the warm shower water. She stood in the raining water as the water dripped down her long lean muscular body pooling into the the laminate bath tub. Steam floated from the small shower stall filling the ratty bathroom, covering the partially broken mirror in a thin white film. Her small radio wish sat on the tiled floor sang a love song, static fizzing loudly whenever the antenna lost the radio wave. Her clothing lazily rested on the floor rolled into a ball. Her fresh new outfit rested neatly folded on the side of the
small sink. She exited the shower shutting off the water flow, the iron pipes squeaked out loudly in protest. She wrapped a pink fluffy towel around her body hiding herself away. She sighed aloud, this immortality bothered her greatly, that day that man arrived she had found her piece. She was ready to die, anything would have been better then the constant reminder of her own mortality and her weak state. She pressed her hand against the cool surface of the mirror and wiped away the thin layer of mist so that she could better see her reflection. She stared at her reflection, deep in thought.

But that man took her from her own salvation. Any one she cared for, which were few had already passed on. She could have sworn that she felt the hand of death as it sat along side of her whispering a sweet lullaby. But that man scooped her, forced her to remain alive and tested on her like she was some sort of animal. Why her? Why didn't he just let her go? Then one day she was thirsty and he force fed her a strange vial of water. When she awoke the next morning and opened her eyes she found herself bathed in a world of light and blurred colors. She smiled gently the pain that once resided in her body was completely gone. Tears streamed from the corner of her eyes as she lay strapped in a bed. She had thought she was in heaven, one could not imagine he ranger as her sight slowly returned to her and she realized she was still in the world that had for long was so bitterly cold towards her. She screamed aloud in anger wrenching herself free.

She snapped herself out of her dark memory once again. She dried herself off and quickly dressed. There was really no reason for her to eat, which she found out after she escaped from that place. However she just wanted to savor the taste, even if it wasn't truly necessary, it made her feel human eating breakfast, lunch and dinner. That and she didn't wish to appear any different to the nameless faces that she saw on a daily bases. They did not need to know that she could manipulate metals, they didn't need to know she was immortal, they didn't need to know that she didn't need to eat. They would probably not accept her, they would take her away, trap her once again, and that was something that she did not wish to experience again.

She brushed her short black hair, admiring it she liked the blond dyed undertone she had given it. She smiled as she made certain her simple outfit she wore matched. She smiled satisfied with the long sleeved white shirt she wore and her pair of black form fitting pants fit her well. Hiding away her body in a loving fashion. She finished brushing her hair parting it the way she liked and flared out the edges of her hair slightly , she combed a bit of gel through her hair to make certain it stayed in place. She sighed aloud as she slipped on her black shoes as she exited the bathroom. She rubbed the side of her neck as she entered the living/ kitchen. She scooped up a necklace and wrapped it around her neck

And what if she did find that man/. What would she do to him? Granted she was grateful that she could see, and she was no longer in pain. However she wanted to die, never wanting to be alone, she wished to die. Her feelings toward her mystery man were confused at best, she was somewhere between killing him on the spot and kissing him gently on the lips. She scooped up her apartment keys and walked out of her small apartment locking her door shut. She walked down the street. She looked to the sky as seagulls flew about, calling out for their mates to join in the fest. Being so close to port had it's advantages, she always had a fresh supply of fish and often times she would rent a boat and set sail; and just allow herself to drift out to sea. She passed a gaggle of girls who loudly spoke of their lovers and their days, and entered into a bakery in silence, when something caught her wary eyes. She stopped dead in her tracks a man stood alone at a port, ignoring all of the passers by. What was he doing? She mentally shrugged, his work did not concern her. However she couldn't help but feel drawn to him, she blinked several times. She ignored the feeling that whispered in her mind and entered the bakery.

Living forever all alone..

It's a curse..

She gently pushed open the door to the bakery , her shoulder gently bumped into a heavy set police man. "Sorry." She whispered, as she studied his badge. Henry snorted loudly holding a pastry between his lips pushing her aside lazily. She frowned, people were so rude this day and age, whatever happened to manners? It was if someone had took manners out to the back and shot it. She rolled her eyes as she waited in line behind twenty others. She sighed aloud as the sent of iced muffins, cookies of all sort, cakes, and badly made coffee filled her nostrils waking her up, causing her to become a bit more aware of her own surroundings. She was suddenly very aware of a whispered conversation at a table, the sound of the small black and white television that hung in the corner tuned into the local news station. She was suddenly aware of a man shifting in his shoes.

He appeared very suspicious, the way his eyes darted about, the way he made certain that his hands remained in his pockets. His eyes blood shot red, his face was covered in a layer of fuzz, his clothing was ratty and loose. She began to step out of the line, this man even reeked of smoke, he was defiantly a drug addict of some sort and he was about to do something very stupid. She slowly approached him with out a word, she had to try to stop him. She couldn't die, but that didn't mean that she wanted someone else to die. His eyes quickly glanced up at her, he shifted becoming uncomfortable in his own skin. His lip began to tremble as she slowly approached him through the thick crowd. She lifted her hands to show she meant no harm. Her eyes caught the edge of the gun that rested in his hoodie pocket.

She then stood in front of him, “Look, you don't want to do this..”She whispered to him calmly trying to keep him calm. “I'll give you the money you need, and no one needs to get hurt.”
“B-b-b-back off B*tch!” He shouted at her as he pulled out his gun. The people in the crowd panicked and screamed falling to the earth trying to stay out of his way and not awaken his wrath. Only she remained calm, her hands in the air, her eyes rested on him.
“Just every body shut the hell up!” He shouted shooting his gun in the air, causing the roar of panic to dwindle becoming soft whisperers and pleas. “Give me all your money!” He barked at the cashier.

The cashier jumped and opened the drawer of the cash register, he handed the cashier a plastic bag to fill with money. Cake slowly began to speak. “Okay, just calm down you don't want to hurt anyone..” She whispered softly to him. His hand quacked as he lifted his gun, pointing the nozzle straight at her chest.
“J-j-j-just shut up!” He barked at her as one of the onlookers used her distraction to their benefit and called nine one one. Hurriedly whispering into the receiver.
Cake just kept his attention. “You see, I'm not going to hurt you. Your gonna get all the money you need, and then you can leave. Okay? But the police will catch you eventually, do you really want to go to jail? Or worse do you wish to die?”
“S-s-s-shut up! You don't know me man! Get off my back!” I got to pay Kenny! He'll kill me.. H-h-he'll kill me! I can't afford to go to jail, not again!”
“Just relax, no one is going to hurt you. I'm sure if you cooperate with the police they will make a deal with you..”The man slowly seemed to be coming around, his voice lowered, however his middle finger trembled accidentally pulling on the trigger of his gun.

The sound of the bullet tearing through the air resounded through the air causing the hostages to scream bloody murder. His hands quaked, his eyes widened. As he stared at cake, his lips trembled shakily.
"Oh god no.. Oh god no..” He whispered as he studied the extent of Cake's injury. She stared at him the bullet tore through her chest into her heart. She then fell to the ground lifelessly blood seeping from the corner of her thin lips pooling onto the ground. Cake mentally rolled her eyes, humans weren't ready to discover her powers, and so she fell into a deep state of meditation she learned from a Budest monk stopping her heart and her lungs. Her eyes stared out lifelessly at the ground. Another shot rang through the air as the man shot himself committing suicide..

Living forever all alone..

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