Summer's almost over. Went to go pick up books at my new school, seems like life might be a little more fun than back at St. Paul, but then again what would I know. Grame continues to be ofline and won't answer the E-mails he told me to send him, so I am perfectly allowed to make fun of him in anyway I deem necesarry.
Jamire: And I"m perfectly allowed to attack you anyway I deem necesarry.
Get your own journal!
Jamire: But Grame's been offline! Can't I stay her-
This is weird enough without you. Anyway, I have chronicled some of the characters reactions to highschool:
"It's big... and they have shiny... INSIDE SHINY! I couldn't reach the shiny..." -Yuma
"What's with this whole 'high'school nonsense? It's not that tall! I could scale it in a single jump! And the ceiling's too low." -Talon
"Lack of water... Needs more water..." -Gyra
"What's with these kids! I show up telling them to kneel before my power, and they whisper jibes behind my back! I'm telling you, they have no idea, why just last week (etc)" -Eku
"While I'm all for the extention of knowledge bringing proceses, what exactly is with the decor? You'd think it was built in the '60s... The scary thing is, it probably was." -Sheera
"It was loud and annoying... I couldn't focus." -Firebird
"It sucked! WHy the hell can't I attack everything and everyone I see again? And what's with all this 'waiting in line' and sitting at desks?!" -Urthclaw
"Life is the same with or without. It alters very little." -Project
"If it doesn't teach you how to fight, or fire clan-tech laser cannons, what's the use?" -Skara
"I am unimpresed with the machinery. However, considering that these facilities are used for angsty teenagers, I suppose I could underst- *at this point he was beaten up by all of my and Grame's characters within twenty miles*" -Denethar
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Aikyan Disorder
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