To see samples of how I write or Role Play, feel free to check out my stories on under the Username of Eleanora_Hoshi or on under the Username of sesshoumarulover4ever.
The following is a list of most of my original characters, be they for original stories or fan-fictions. Not all of them are posted in this journal entry, only the ones that I have used previously are posted at this moment, so please feel free to ask me to post any character's information if it is not already posted. If you would like, I am open to creating new characters for shows/movies/games that I do not have posted as long as I am familiar with that particular show/movie/game.
To see the starters that I have made for these characters, please click here. Please note that if you do not like my starters and would like to start out differently with one of my characters, send your own starter and we can roleplay from there.
My Own (Aleanore, Aleanora Callista Stalleeci, Victoria, Princess Eleanora Hoshi) Naruto (Akasa Kannashi) Bleach (Hon Murasaki, Omoiegaku Ekaki, Ukitake Kiokuryoku) InuYasha (Akisa Kannara & Tsuki Mizuakurei) Poke'mon (Letina Rae Deslegeech) Fruits Basket (Chikyu Midori, Ella Shiva, Fuyuko Sohma, Saru Sohma, Cyrilious, Elenor) Loveless (Akitsu Shikita) Queen's Knight (Callana) Blood + (Nina) Labyrinth (Daniella)
Original Characters
Quote: Name: Alaenore Nickname: Alae Age: 20 Years Race: Elvin Vampire Occupation: Princess/ Traveler Personality: Alaenore is a very stubborn young woman who believes that everything is done for a reason. She likes to know the reasons that people do certain things, and if she cannot figure it out, she will search that person out to inquire about their actions so that she can better understand the human mind. Because of this, she was often told as a child that she would make a great leader because she can learn why people do the things that they do. Past/About Alaenore: Alaenore was an elf until the age of 9, when a vampire found her at night in the stables. It made her into an Elvin Vampire. Her mother died when she was 5 and her father rules his kingdom. She lived with her father in their kingdom until she was old enough to travel by herself. Because she likes to know why people do the things that they do if she cannot figure it out, she decided to search for the vampire so that made her the way she is now. She wants to know why the vampire would do such a thing that caused her much suffering because her people disowned her and thought of her as impure because of what she has become.
Alaenore is swift, tireless, and has magical powers, though she does not know how to use the majority of these powers because she had no teacher to train her after she was bitten. She is very talented with her sword and can act swiftly in battle with it. Although she can stay in the morning and evening sunlight for a while, the afternoon sunlight affects her like all sunlight affects most other vampires. Like other vampires, holy water and wooden stakes are definitely her weaknesses in battle.
She loves most animals, and used to be friends with a unicorn named Natasha at one point in her life. Unfortunately, Natasha disappeared one day when Alaenore had gone into a city to find a place to stay as well as see if the vampire who made her vampire was there.
Quote: Name: Aleanora Callista Stalleeci Nickname: Allea Age: 16 Years Race: Elf Occupation: Ex-Princess, Traveler, Warrior Personality: Aleanora is very closed off towards people that she is unfamiliar with and tends to keep things to herself even when she knows a person. Many people consider her quiet and mysterious because she keeps to herself so much. Past/About Aleanora: Her kingdom was taken over by an evil man, who killed many of her family members and is after her as well. She had one sister, who was killed. She is the only one of her family left. She is searching now for a lost love, who may have been killed when her kingdom was taken over. If she cannot find him, she will keep on training as a warrior until she is strong enough to get her revenge.
She can control water and is very skilled with her bow. She can also transform into canines as well as felines.
Allea is very swift and has strong arms from using her bow so much. She is also very loyal to those whom she trusts and is also very trustworthy.
She has troubles trusting people whom she hasn't known for a long time and is very paranoid that someone will betray her because of her past. When in canine or feline form, the items that she has on her do not transform with her, so she must find a safe place to put them until she changes back.
Quote: Name: Victoria Age: Doll Body Appears 17, Soul is Forever Stuck at 17, Born: 1898 Race: Doll with Human Soul Personality: Because of everything she has gone through, and because of the emotions she had while going through the soul transfer, her face often shows a look of a mixture of sadness and pain, but also that of love when she is not trying to show other emotions. Even if some other emotion is affecting her, that emotion will only show through if she tries or forces her face to form that expression. Past/About Victoria:Victoria was named after Queen Victoria and was born during her reign in 1898. Her mother was Irish, and she was born in Ireland, but since her father was an English lord, she grew up in Great Britain.
Victoria was once a human, but a very sickly human. She had a weak heart, making it so that she could not handle excitement in her life or else her heart would beat faster and she would get very sick. This meant that she was kept in the house and away from things that would excite her. Her father, who loved his daughter very much, wanted to do everything he could to make it so that his daughter could one day live a normal life. From her 4th birthday, he had been studying magic and alchemy so that he could give her a better body.
When she was 17 years and 3 months old, Victoria became fatally ill after the death of her mother. Although he knew that he couldn't make a true flesh and blood body, her father had decided that the only way to save her life would be to transfer her soul into that of the body she had been working on. This body was a life-size doll body that looked exactly like her. He had been hoping to make it into a true human-like body, but the doll form had to work or else his daughter would die. Unfortunately, the soul transfer from her body to the doll body required more energy and life force than she could give with her true body. Realizing this, her father gave up his own life so that she could live.
Although she inherited her family's entire fortune, she was not satisfied with just staying put. Her father had given his life for her, and she would not put that in vain. Now, she travels around the world, learning new things and trying to find a place of her own in the world that she never truly belonged to.
As long as her soul never escapes the doll, she will live forever inside of it. Though her skin looks like porcelain, it is a lot tougher, but not unbreakable. Should it crack, her soul would escape.
Quote:  "Our secrets I will never tell." ..::~~~::.. ..::~~~::.. ..::~~~::.. ..::~~~::.. ..::~~~::.. Name: Alaenoria (All-a-no-ree-ah) Age: 149 ( Appears 18 ) Race: Elf Personality: Past/About Alaenoria: She is from a land called Cantha, where humans are believed to be extinct by some, and myths by others.
Alaenoria is the first heir to the Elven Empire, an empire that is well-hidden in the depths of a very large forest called the Caertanian Forest. The Elves, being so protected from the rest of the world had not heard of the war until Alaenoria was sent to travel to Mermaid Bay to meet with the Mer-King about a treaty and she got kidnapped not too many days after exiting the forest lands. She knows that her kidnapper is a lord of one of the vampire clans, but for what reason he merely kidnapped her rather than kill her she does not know.
Unlike the picture, her hair is a silvery-blond, her bangs are as long as the rest of her hair, and her eyes are a deep blue.
..::~~~::.. ..::~~~::.. ..::~~~::.. ..::~~~::.. ..::~~~::.. "Yours, I know all about."
Naruto Original Character
Quote: Name: Akasa Kannashi Nickname: Shi Age: 20 Years Race: Human Occupation: Jounin Ninja Personality: Kannashi is usually a quiet girl, but it is advised not to make her angry. She doesn’t anger very easy, but when she does become angry with someone then she never forgets why, and she punishes for it. Past/About Kannashi: Kannashi wears her headband so that it covers her forehead. She is 5’6 and weighs 92 pounds. Her hair waist-length blond hair and, technically, she has no bangs. She grew out her bangs to be the same length as her hair, but what would be her bangs hangs over her headband (Kind of like Sasuke’s and Sakura’s only much longer). The rest of her hair she either has in a bun or is down, it depends on if she is on a mission, or training, or not. Her eyes change to all of the different shades of blue, depending on her mood. They are usually a deep blue, though. Kannashi usually wears loose-fitting pants that could be considered a kind of work-out pants, a black shirt with the symbol of the Akasa clan on the front and back, and a sweatshirt, which has the same colors and symbol as the shirt, only it's got a zipper down the center. (The clan symbol is a silver crescent moon with a blood droplet hanging from it.) Her sandals are also black, and she wears black socks when it is cold out. When not in this attire, she is seen wearing a black mini-skirt, but has the same kind of shirt and sweatshirt described before. Kannashi is very petite and somewhat fragile looking, but that is the way most of her clan was anyways. She is a lot stronger than she looks. She is of the Akasa clan. The members of the Akasa clan are ‘friends’ with all wolves. The majority of the clan members are petite looking, but are fast and good fighters. They learn all the pressure points of the body, because they cannot beat an enemy with pure force, due to the fact that they are all so small. When Kannashi was little, she always believed that no matter what her family said, they did not love her. She only had one friend, and that friend was the only person she trusted. On her twelfth birthday, someone caught the house on fire and it killed almost every one of her clan members, including all but one of the ones she cared for. The few that survived the fire were five of her cousins, two uncles, an aunt, her favorite grandpa, and of course, herself. Her cousins, uncles, and aunt all left to live in random villages, while she and her grandfather went to live in a cabin that her clan had built for members to go when they needed to be alone. Not too long after her fourteenth birthday, her grandfather was murdered by a missing nin. The missing nin had tried to kill her, too, but she escaped to Suna, the Village of Sand. Because of all this, she wears only black, she is in mourning. All she truly wants is to be given the love that she has never received. (This profile of Akasa Kannashi is for RP only. The real profile of Akasa Kannashi is way different.)
Bleach Original Characters
Quote: Hon Murasaki ~ Normal Outfit Hon Murasaki ~ Head ShotName: Hon Murasaki Nickname: Saki Age: 16 Race: Quincy Occupation: High School Student/Quincy Personality: Although she likes her alone time, Murasaki is the kind of person who is very loyal to her friends and enjoys her time with them. She is very protective of her friends and family and despises all Shinigami. Murasaki is very stubborn once she has her mind set on something, and is not afraid to pick a fight with anyone she feels is a threat to her or hers. While acting like a normal human she is considered a normal, happy being, even though she likes to dress in odd clothing styles. As a Quincy, she acts as emotionless as possible towards her enemies, and has even been known to make cruel and straight-forward comments while fighting. Past/About Murasaki: When Murasaki was a young girl, she had been sent off to visit some relatives living in the United States along with her older brother and sister, Kon and Aka. None of them had guessed that while away their parents would 'disappear' without a trace. Kon secretly knew that it was the Shinigami who did this and that their parents were probably dead. The relatives that they were visiting decided to take them all in as their own, even though Kon was already a high school student and getting ready to graduate. At that time, Aka was just starting middle school and Murasaki was in third grade. Kon had already finished most of his Quincy training, and although Aka was still learning, both had decided that they wanted to teach their little sister so that she, too, could defend herself from Shinigami as much as possible. In the possession of the Hon clan there is a special weapon that looks like a zanpakutō but does not have a first release or bankai. It is able to absorb the spiritual energy of the opponent that it hits and use it against them. Murasaki, it seemed, was perfect to be trained to use this weapon, and so she was trained with the bow and arrows as well as the sword. While in university, Kon decided that he wanted to take his siblings back to their home country and town of Karakura Town, Japan. Their adoptive parents would often pay for all three of them to visit when all three had breaks at the same time so that they could get used to their home country again before the big move. They also hoped that Kon would be able to not only find a job for himself so that he could support his siblings, but also find a suitable college for Aka when she graduated high school. It was planned that as soon as she graduated, the three would move back into the Karakura Town house that belonged to their family. Their house is very close to where Inoue Orihime lives, and so when the Hon's moved back in, she was sure to show up with some of her home-made cooking as a welcome gift. Kon, being a weird cook as well, loves her food and tells Murasaki that she should befriend Orihime when he learns that they will be in the same class together in high school. Aka also encourages Murasaki to make friends with Orihime and her friends, as she can sense that they all have spiritual powers and figures that Murasaki would fit in better with them and would also be better protected. Orihime and Murasaki quickly become friends, but Murasaki seems to not like Ichigo at all due to a past encounter when he had been in Shinigami form. Since she enjoys arts and crafts, she quickly tries to form a friendship with Ishida Uryuu.
Quote: Omoiegaku Ekaki ~ Lady's Kimono Omoiegaku Ekaki ~ Head ShotName: Omoiegaku Ekaki Nickname: Ki Age: Unknown Race: Shinigami Occupation: Third Seat of Third Division Personality: Many people say that the best way to describe Ekaki is to say that she is just like Kuchiki Byakuya. She is normally a silent person, but is not as quiet at Byakuya. She will not take crap from those who say things about her, especially her old best friend, one of Byakuya's younger cousins, Ichimaru Gin, and the male newbie shinigami that almost always start rumors saying that the only reason why she is the third seat is because Gin likes her. Past/About Ekaki: A long time ago, when Ekaki and Byakuya were younger, Ekaki had fallen in love with him. Her father, the head of the Omoiegaku noble house quickly arranged their marriage after finding out about this, feeling proud that his daughter had not chosen anything less. But then Byakuya 'canceled' the marriage because he had fallen in love with Hisana instead. The Omoiegaku family has a belief that members of their family can only fall in love once. More specifically, the zanpakutō of a Omoiegaku shinigami is supposedly the one that chooses the partner. Now the Omoiegaku family will have nothing to do with the Kuchiki family, because they feel that what Byakuya had done was like a slap in the face to their whole family.
Somehow, Ichimaru Gin, who had been told by Aizen that Ekaki was needed in their plans, found out that in rare cases, an Omoiegaku will have a daisho zanpakutō like Ukitake Jushiro and Kyōraku Shunsui. In those cases, the Omoiegaku has been known to fall in love twice. Pointing this out to Ekaki's father, Gin was able to get him to allow Ekaki a second chance of finding love. He plans to use this to his advantage by trying to get her to fall in love with him so that when it came time to leave for Hueco Mundo, she would not put up a fight when they tried to take her away.
Byakuya's cousin, Ekaki's old best friend and also a shinigami of the third division, has somehow caught on to what Gin is trying to. That is, she only knows that he is trying to get her to fall in love with him, nothing more. She knows that if Byakuya can regain Ekaki's love and go through with the marriage as it had originally been planned that she can not only gain her best friend back, but they can once again have good ties with the Omoiegaku family. Time is now cut short and she must get Byakuya and Ekaki to fall in love with each other before Ekaki decides that she loves her captain more.
Ekaki's zanpakutō is named Burashi (Paintbrush) and is a daisho. To release it, Ekaki says "Kaku Burashi", which means Stroke, Paintbrush. Upon release, Burashi's hilts become longer and the blades shrink while splitting into many thin strands of blade-like wire. Each wire is sharp enough to cut like a blade, giving many paper-cut sized gashes in the flesh of enemies. A poisonous ink coats each wire, causing the ink to infect the wounds inflicted. Victims can know when they are poisoned because it turns the wound a dark blue. If not treated within twenty-four hours, it has been known to begin eating away at the the flesh around it.
When Ekaki gains her bankai, "Genkaku Burashi" (Illusion Paintbrush), she will be able to trap her opponent in an illusion created in her mind and painted by many paintbrushes that split off from her left hand sword. The right sword stays in its release form and is usually held by both hands.
InuYasha Original Character
Quote: Name: Akisa Kannara Nickname: Lady of the Northern Lands, Lady Kannara Age: 497 Years ~ Appears 20 Years Race: Vampire/Wolf Demon Occupation: Lady of the Northern Lands Personality: Kannara is a calm individual who normally likes to have peace in her lands. However, should a rival demon challenge her or should a male demon try to get her to become his mate, she will fight. Past/About Kannara: Kannara’s father was a vampire demon who ruled over the Northern Lands while her mother was a princess of a wolf demon tribe. When her parent’s were both killed, she became known as the “Lady of the Northern Lands”. She prefers to travel around her land than to stay in the palaces and castles that belong to her family. Carries a small pouch at her waist for small necessities, like Arana’s bottled milk. She likes wolves, foxes, and traveling. She also has an admiration for Sesshoumaru, though she does not really get the change to talk with him as much as she would like. She despises rival demons that insult her or try to say things that are not true about her or those she cares about. She also does not like those who she deems as annoying pests, such as Jaken. Jaken is the main reason why she does not usually get the change to talk with Sesshoumaru all that often, since he annoys her to no end and she cannot stand it. Name: Arana Age: 5 Weeks Race: Wolf Name: Kita Age: Unknown Race: Bat-Cat
Poke'mon Character
Quote:  Name: Letina Rae Deslegeech Nickname: ‘Tina, Rae Age: 16 Years Race: Human Occupation: Trainer/Breeder Personality: Letina’s personality is very awkward; she has very random mood swings. Her most common emotions are sadness and hate. But when she is with her Poke’mon, nothing can stop her joy. She dislikes being with big groups of people; she prefers to keep to herself. Past/About Letina: Letina is from Lavaridge Town. Her older sister is Flannary, the current gym leader in Lavaridge. Since she is from a fire-type Poke’mon loving family, she has mostly fire-type Poke’mon. She prefers only having a small group of friends, which is no more than five. Her mother is a very rich lady and her father was the Lavaridge Gym leader. Even though her family is wealthy, her parents like to see their children earning what the want; they do give acceptations for birthdays and such.
Labyrinth Character
Quote: Name: Daniella Nickname: Ella Age: 20 Race: Human Occupation: University Student (Drama) Personality: Daniella, being an actress in the making, is the kind of person who is willing to try out new things so that she can be more in character when she is acting. Although she is very social and has a happy personality, she can be very stubborn and mysterious at times. She also prefers to keep her life simple. There have been many rumors among her fellow drama classmates that she is very obsessed with fantasy and even went as far as to decorate her small house inside as if she lived in a type of medieval fantasy; when asked about it, she just replies that she likes to live her life in character. Past/About Daniella: Daniella grew up a normal life, for the most part. She grew up with both of her parents and lived as a middle-class citizen. Since she was a child, she was always acting. Her parents became so used to her acting that they never know when she is being herself or when she is pretending to be a character from a play or book. As soon as they realized that their daughter was not going to grow out of wanting to be an actress, they began to encourage it. Daniella made it her goal to act in every play performance that her schools held. She did not, however, get the main part of any school play until her seventh grade year. From then on, she had played as the main character in several others, though not every one. She had competition with her best friend for the lead roles, but neither got angry with the other if they got stuck with a lesser part. Now, Daniella and her best friend, Merri, attend a special acting college, although lately their friendship has been under a kind of strain. (I will be doubling as Merri should I feel she is needed. wink )
Eleanora_Hoshi · Mon Apr 14, 2008 @ 04:41am · 0 Comments |