God, i am so tired. Right now, at this very moment, i swear i am about to pass out or something. *shakes head* I was reading some heavily depressing stuff, and man, some people got it rough. This girl's family, they don't really care about her, and the guy she likes, his family is REALLY abusive. Thye get drunk alot, it just made me sad. If my eyes weren't so BLAH, from being so tired, I might've cried for them. I really, don't know * sighs* What would I do, if that was me?
I think about it and, would I seriously kill myself cuz of things like that? If I were beaten and hurt alot, and treated like crap at home, would I be driven to suicide? confused question
I just don't know, it really gets to me, and i know it sounds weird, but if that stuff did happen to me, I probably wouldn't kill myself, cuz well, I got some awesome friends who I, no matter what, would never do that to them. 3nodding
I feel so much about this I wanna write something...It may be a poem, or a story, but its something. ninja
The rain fell down heavily as the night sky grew darker with each passing hour..
and as the clock counted down the minutes of this night...more was being counted down...a life.
She lied there, right by the door of her room. The silence was unbearble, blood trickeled out of her open wounds, forming red puddles on the wooden floor.
Tears rolled down from her half open eyes, they were once beautiful eyes, filled with hope and compassion. Days went by, months rolled on and formed years that were eroded by her tears.
Every night her father was drunk, so drunk he couldn't speak intelligable (sp?) words, and her mother, she did nothing to stop her husband when he beat her.
Those nights of pain, were softened by the soft spoken words from her dear friends, who each day worried about her safety. These words of compassion from her friends were all she had to keep herself rising up for the next new day.
But, tragically, her friends were not there, the night everything turned from shitty, to ******** horrible. He had been through a horrible day at work and came home feeling pissed, then he began to drink, he drank, and he drank, and drank. Later on that night, as the clock had struck 9:45, he bursted through her door and raised his hand.
She screamed, her tears flew down from her eyes like rain from the clouds above. It all ended, and she fell to the ground, all was numb to her. There was no comforting voice coming from the hall, no whispers of hope. She heard nothing, she hardly could hear her friend's voices of love and caring ringing through her ears so close to her heart. The blood stained the floor and the clock ticked on, not stopping a moment.
By the time morning came 'round, she had lost all hope, and left this world.
Time still ticked on.
OH god! That was sadder than i intended. *sighs* i haven't written such sad stuff since...*thinks* since i don't know when. neutral
I hope that when you read this, you will find it somewhere in your hearts to find some comforting words for those people who are hurt. I know I do.
Ok, before I go and depress people, I better stop right here and now.
and to you my friends, I say this now. And don't you ever forget it, I wont let, any of my friends just die. I wont. so don't. ok? ok. 3nodding
THE END! ...must watch anime..to feel better..must..stay awake....
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